Monday 13 February 2017

Busy Busy Busy

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, I'll admit, I've been pretty busy lately. As I've been alluding to in a few of my past blog posts, I've been working my newest job, which has been taking up a lot of my free time. Not that this is a bad thing, of course, since it not only pays better than my other job, with more hours, it also allows me to work my passion as well :)

Essentially, I've been hired as a freelance artist to work on a rather large project. At the moment I can't really say what, exactly, until it's done, but I've been enjoying myself.

It has, however, meant that I haven't been doing a lot of personal drawings of late, which is something of a shame, as I don't have anything picture wise to show you all. It's not even through lack of trying, either, but the intensive amount of art means that my various wrist issues have flared out once again, so I've been doing my best to rest my wrists when possible, and use painkillers and wrist braces when I'm working.

Still, while I'm somewhat busy right now, this doesn't, of course, mean forever. So I thought today I would essentially talk bout a few things that I hope to do for you guys in the meantime.

Firstly, I'm considering doing some more Dreamwalkers Lore posts. Currently I've covered things like the currently introduced main cast, and talked about some of the enemies. I'm considering talking about dream interpretations, which play a part in Dreamwalkers, and a bit about mythologies of various cultures that involve dreams/nightmares and the like which may play a part in the series. I have also briefly touched on inspirations that made my come up with the story concept, but I considered looking into it into a bit more detail, not only in my inspirations to creating the story, but the concept of inspiration and imagination, which do play a part in the story itself.

As well as lore, in March, a little closer to the time, I'll be talking about the next scheduled con for the year as well. But it's still a little early right now, since we're currently in February (at least at the time of writing this) and the con is mid March.

Of course, if I have time and my wrists recover enough, I'll of course provide you with posts about my work as well. I miss doing things for you guys! I know that I want to redesign my business card if nothing else.

Still, I hope that you guys will look forwards to this!

Until next time!


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