Monday 14 January 2019

A Happy (Belated) New Year!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

And welcome to the new year of 2019! Well, I say 'new' when it's already been 14 days into the year, but unfortunately I was unable to post before now due to work. Though I was able to shoot off a post on Twitter. Long story short there had been a few issues over the holiday period that made posting....well, awkward. There is also me being a little unwell too, but... details!

So this is actually my first post on the blog of this year! Yay!

Belated as it is, I wanted to give a little bit of an update, plans for this year and basically just letting you know I still live! lol

So, firstly, what are my plans for this year? Well, for Christmas, I gained a fitbit. Now, what does this have to do with Dreamwalkers or art in general? Well, there is an aspect of the Fitbit that is actually kind of useful - it can monitor the wearer's sleep patterns, from the different types of sleep, to how many times a person wakes up at night. As far as I know, I have no particular sleeping problems, so by monitoring my own sleep patterns over a period of time, and that of those who I'm friends with on the app, I would have accurate patterns of sleep for the SOS team to have either in background images, or even so I can accurately show the effects of the Oneiros in real life terminologies. For example, it gives an average of how long a person in usually in the various stages of sleep, like deep, light and REM sleep. Considering that dreams are the biggest aspect to the story, knowing when REM takes place and for how long would definitely help blend the Dreamwalkers world with the real one.

As such, this is something I'll be monitoring and you may even see them in the SOS Dreamology clinic.

Secondly, I'll be trying to get some practice on backgrounds. I tend to draw people a hell of a lot, but I realised that backgrounds is something I rarely do. As such, I'll be hoping to take real life pictures and try to do some backgrounds, either for Dreamwalker references, or for my portfolio.

Lastly, I'm considering getting back into writing again. As you may have noticed in the last TanraStudios post, we've changed our format from script to novel. As such, I'm hoping to get more practice in this, especially if, between the two of us, we'll be novelising the hidden backstory of Pandora. I also hope, by doing various practices, fanfiction or otherwise, I'll be able to have enough of a refresher to work on a novel of my own creation. I have a lot of story ideas, and some I'm uncertain if I could translate properly into comic form, so perhaps I'll write the story with added illustrations? We'll see how it goes. Practice makes perfect first!

Still, I am hoping that, belated as it is, everyone is having a great start to the new year and I hope that what I offer this year will interest you all. :)

Until next time!


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