Monday, 28 November 2016

Oneiros Types: Phantasos Class

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, last week I started to explain the class system that the SOS team use for the main antagonists of Dreamwalkers: the Oneiros. To recap, there are three main classifications for the Oneiros based on their abilities. The SOS team use these classifications in order to identify what to expect from the enemy and so they can plan tactics to counter them accordingly. We also covered the first of the three classes, the Icelos class. So, if you didn't check out the blog last week, have a nosey at it now, as it does a full intro to the classifications and into the first of the three types.

This time, I'll be covering the second of the three classes: the Phantasos class.

Much as the enemies name and the first of the three classes, the Phantasos class is named after one of the Greek gods linked to sleep and dreams. Phantasos, meaning 'fantasy' or 'apparition', was one of the sons of the god Hypnos, and was god of surreal dreams and represents the inanimate objects in prophetic dreams, linked to the elements of earth, rock, water and wood.

In Dreamwalkers, Oneiros under this classification usually are the most difficult to locate, due to the fact that they usually fuse with the dream's environment that would trigger nightmares based around the elements. For example, a dream of being caught up in a landslide would likely be caused by a Phantasos Onreios that has fused into the mountain and causing the landslide, manipulating its progress. The main problem with combatting these types is less the battle itself, but rather locating the Onreios' specific location, then somehow drawing it out from said location in order to finish it off, before it uses the dreams very environment to pick off the dreamer or the dreamwalkers themselves.

After all, its pretty difficult to defeat an enemy that you don't know the location of.

To make matters worse, so long as they are fused with the environment, as long as the element its fused with is in place, it can move its location through it. Using the landslide analogy, the Onreios could theoretically travel through the earth without being seen in order to follow its target, but it couldn't move from the earth into, say, water, or up into the air, at least not without revealing its location and thus making itself vulnerable.

Unlike the Icelos Class, the Phantasos are usually physically weaker once they are exposed, but due to their elemental manipulation, they are still a force to be reckoned with while infused with the environment.

One last class to go! So, next time, I'll be discussing the last of the three Onreios classes: the Morpheus Class

Until next time!


Monday, 21 November 2016

Oneiros Types: Icelos Class

Heya Everyone! Welcome back!

So, today I'm going to be talking Dreamwalkers again. This time, I'll be discussing the enemies in the comic once again, though this time I'll be discussing the various types of Oneiros there are. The SOS group had devised classifications for the various Oneiros that they face, of which there are three main classifications that they might fall into. These classifications help the Dreamwalkers team to devise a plan of action, as, while each Oneiros has individual abilities, they also share some similarities as those also under the same classification.

The three classes are as follows: Icelos, Phantasos and Morpheus (no, not the Matrix one! lol). Similar to the name SOS gave to the monstrous beings they fight as a whole, the three classes are also based loosely on their mythological counterparts, due to the way the monsters will present themselves in the nightmares.

The classification that I'll be talking about today is the Icelos Group.

The Icelos group's name comes from Icelos in Greek mythology, also known as Ikelos, Icelus (all of which mean 'semblance' and, in some cases also known as Phobetor, which means 'frightening'. This god, sometimes known to either be one of the brothers of Hypnos, or one of the son's of the god of sleep, was said to be a shape shifter that could take on the form of animals and beasts in order to interact with mortals in the waking world. It's said that he is also the personification of nightmares.

In Dreamwalkers, Oneiros that fall into this category take the form of monsters and/or animal based phobias that the dreamer might have. This class is also the easiest to find and classify by SOS standards, as they often actively hound the dreamer. They also tend to be the most aggressive of the three main classifications.

So, for example, if you had a phobia of Spiders, an Oneiros of the Icelos class might take the form of a giant spider with hoards of tiny spider minions that are chasing down the dreamer to weave into a web with the intent of eating the victim alive.

Of course, with them being shape shifters, they aren't bound my a single form. So long as its animal or monster based, they could change forms at will, making them the most versatile when it comes to all out offense, though the tactics used by them are usually the most crude of the three types.

Well, crude, but still effective! While they might be more obvious seeming monsters than the other two types, they are no less dangerous

Those of you who might have seen clips of Dreamwalkers part one might note that the Onreios here is based in this class. Though what it does and its abilities are something that you can only find out by reading. :) Though some of my original sketches of the Oneiros (which I showed on my previous blog post that gives the overview of the Dreamwalkers antagonists) do give a little insight on ideas and concepts I had for them in the early stages of the comic.

Next time, I'll be talking about the next in the three Oneiros classes, the Phantasos class! So please look forwards to it :)

Until next time!


Monday, 14 November 2016

Project Stuff!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Well, as some of you may or may not know, the competition I entered - the image was something I showed a post or two back - has released the results. Unfortunately, I didn't win this time. A bit disappointing, but there was some pretty stiff competition, so while I'm a little disappointed, I'm not too unhappy. It was fun to draw either way, and I'm sure that next time Foxhat64 does a competition, I'll be having another go at it anyway.

Either way, congrats to the winners! they did really well, so they definitely earned it :)

Onto other things, I have been continuing on an older project, which was more or less a practice using an original character on, essentially, profiling - mainly drawing the character in different outfits, shown from different positions, close ups on certain bits of detail etc. It's not finished yet, as I'm also intending to do different facial expressions and different angles, as well as finishing the colours on the images as well. I had shown a part of it before - a single figure version in one outfit, but much like then, it was a work in progress.

While its not quite finished, this is what I have so far:

As you can see, the shading isn't fully finished yet, but I'm quite pleased in how its coming out so far. The character I made here was for a roleplay on, and while this is mostly a practice, I'm hoping to do this kind of thing for Dreamwalkers characters, complete with artist notes, maybe even make an art book for Dreamwalkers, or a collaboration art book with Nadia involving all our characters from the 'Tanra-verse'. It would be interesting, if nothing else, not to mention a good reference point for myself with the comic series.

Oh, I am considering making another print for Dreamwalkers. As I've done a print for Rem and for Somnus, making a print for Ashling would be fitting, right? I just need to think of a good pose, so its entirely likely that this will be my next project.

Until next time!


Monday, 7 November 2016


Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, last time, you may remember I took part in a competition on Deviant Art, and showed my entry for said competition. Weeeeeeell, while the submission date hasn't changed, there was a bit of an extension on when the results will be out, so as of yet, I don't know how well I have done. But once I know, I'll be sure to let you know how it went.

Meanwhile, apart from coming down with yet another cold (Honestly, I must have a horrible immune system or something), I have finished another of my projects, this time a character I once created a while ago, but have only recently drawn in order to see how it would look, and to test out my colouring style, as well as testing out ever so slight differences in angles. The character I drew was one based on legends of Nogitsune.

So, what are Nogitsune?

Basically, a Nogitsune is a form of supernatural fox, or Kitsune, from Japanese mythology. In said mythology, foxes are capable of shapeshifting to take on a human form (often female, but not always) in order to interact with humans. Nogitsune are the most malevolent version of the foxes (Also known as Yakou or 'field foxes'), as apposed to 'Zenko', which are foxes mostly linked to the deity Inari. Nogitsune are prone to playing tricks on humans, and not just the playful kind.

You can find more information on Nogitsune and their various counterparts on Wikipedia. It, along with other Japanese mythology, is rather interesting :)

The family I made essentially has the shapeshifting ability, though in this case it is at the cost of the users individuality. The shape shifters have fox shaped masks with individual and unique patterns on them in order to identify between themselves, no matter what shape they take. The character I drew is to a point that they have forgotten even their own gender, and as such refers to themselves in a non-binary manner (unless using someone else's appearance, when they take on that person's name and gender). As such, I hoped to be able to draw an androgynous figure. What I came up with was this:

I have to admit, my favourite part of this image was the hair. I know that in earlier pictures, hair tended to be fairly simple, but I'm hoping to make hair at least a little more interesting to look at. It was fun doing the waves in the hair - it reminds me a bit of Somnus' hair. Hopefully my practice will help me improve on characters like Somnus as well. I'm also quite happy with how the angles have been coming out as well. It's easy to draw characters facing the camera, and I'll admit that that was something I often did when I was younger, but it's nice to try things from different angles as well.

This character, who is named Nogitsune Nagisa (in the Japanese format of surname first and given name last) was created in a role-play, where I tested out the shapeshifting character, and fell in love with them. There is a lot of depth that such a character can have, not only with being able to explore how the character may win or fail at faking people's identities, but also looking at the psychological side of being everyone but yourself. The picture was inspired by a scene in which Nagisa was speaking with another character on the RP, named 'Bokudou', and a particular conversation that they had there. It stuck with me, somewhat, and thus this image was born in my mind.

To see the full sized image, check it out here and maybe even leave me a comment or two. :) Constructive criticism always helps to improve and that is something I hope to do as an artist. You never stop learning, after all.

Well, until next time!
