Monday 14 November 2016

Project Stuff!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Well, as some of you may or may not know, the competition I entered - the image was something I showed a post or two back - has released the results. Unfortunately, I didn't win this time. A bit disappointing, but there was some pretty stiff competition, so while I'm a little disappointed, I'm not too unhappy. It was fun to draw either way, and I'm sure that next time Foxhat64 does a competition, I'll be having another go at it anyway.

Either way, congrats to the winners! they did really well, so they definitely earned it :)

Onto other things, I have been continuing on an older project, which was more or less a practice using an original character on, essentially, profiling - mainly drawing the character in different outfits, shown from different positions, close ups on certain bits of detail etc. It's not finished yet, as I'm also intending to do different facial expressions and different angles, as well as finishing the colours on the images as well. I had shown a part of it before - a single figure version in one outfit, but much like then, it was a work in progress.

While its not quite finished, this is what I have so far:

As you can see, the shading isn't fully finished yet, but I'm quite pleased in how its coming out so far. The character I made here was for a roleplay on, and while this is mostly a practice, I'm hoping to do this kind of thing for Dreamwalkers characters, complete with artist notes, maybe even make an art book for Dreamwalkers, or a collaboration art book with Nadia involving all our characters from the 'Tanra-verse'. It would be interesting, if nothing else, not to mention a good reference point for myself with the comic series.

Oh, I am considering making another print for Dreamwalkers. As I've done a print for Rem and for Somnus, making a print for Ashling would be fitting, right? I just need to think of a good pose, so its entirely likely that this will be my next project.

Until next time!


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