Monday 26 June 2017

Meet the New Guys!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

You know, I've been in a biiiiit of a bind. My laptop's touchpad suddenly stopped working. In the middle of typing as well! Thankfully I have my trusty tablet to act as a mouse, but....well, I'm not entirely sure what to do about it. It certainly makes typing rather awkward on some apps, since it seems convinced that I want to draw rather than type. So with that in mind, I may end up being without a computer for a while if its something to do with the hard drive and not a software issue. Assuming I don't just settle for a USB mouse instead.

That being said, my overall ability to do art hasn't been effected, so I do have a couple of things I can share with you today that I've worked on over this week. So, the first was a character I had actually made a while ago, but had recently given an upgrade and a spruce up into digital. He is also a character that, like Ankoku last week, I did entirely digitally.

The sketch ended up being far more clean and how I wanted it than with Ankoku as well, resulting in a fairly simple base sketch:

The actual line art to it didn't end up adding all that much in comparison, though it certainly cleaned up the sketchy lines and added colour to him. The only bit I was truly unsure of what I would do with was that crystal floating over his hand, as I was unsure if it would continue to do so, or if I was going to have it laying in his palm instead. Due to that, I ignored the crystal part at that time and instead worked on my line art and colour, only adding in the crystal later when I thought it might fit either of my thoughts.

So, this is Ichimatsu!

As usual, the better quality version can be found on my DA Page, so feel free to give it a looksy! :)

I actually really enjoyed drawing Ichimatsu, and for once its not just because the hair was fun. lol. In fact, I think out of my most recent full bodied images, this one ended up as my favourite. I will admit though that the crystal did give me a little trouble. That in mind it is something I should look up on more in how to draw. If I can get it right, it could make for some interesting backgrounds and such, especially considering what some of the dream worlds in Dreamwalkers could be like.

That being said, my second character ended up utilising an element I have only recently been experimenting with - fire. Specifically dark fire, though, which I already had an idea would end up even more difficult in comparison to the blue fire I used in the Nogitsune picture I did.

Unlike the previous image, this started life as a random sketch I did during a break at work.

As you can see, it was rather rough, especially in his expression, but this ended up the basics of what the character Shingetsu would look like. I was hoping that his semi-floating appearance would be interesting to make a couple of dark flames hovering around him as well. So, I went forth to do my digital version when I wasn't at work :) and Shingetsu ended up like this:

Of course, for better quality version, usual rules apply

Admittedly, a friend joked to me that it seems that I seem to have learned what colours fit together from Avatar: The Last! But considering his dark fire abilities...Well, at least I chose fitting colours, no matter how much by accident. On the note of his fire, though....Eh, I have mixed feelings. It didn't come out as well as Nogitsune's blue fire, but if I can find a way to perfect my technique a bit more, its possible that I can make those neater at least. For now, though, I suppose I could always pretend dark flames give off a lot of smoke. lol.

I'll admit I have no particular set plans for who or what I might draw for next time. It will all depend on what I need to do to fix my laptop's current issues. I will, however, do my best to try and do something interesting for you guys, though, so please look forwards to it!

Until then!


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