Monday 3 July 2017

Attack on Tech

Hey guys! Welcome back!

Sooooo, I have a confession to make - I really didn't get all that much done last week. Not through lack of trying, mind, but rather because it seemed that all the tech I own decided to start a rebellion last week - four things solely computer based, and one based around my phone. If you were with me last week, I mentioned on the blog then about the first of my issues (One thankfully resolved now! Yay!) and honestly it just kept on going from there. If it wasn't my email deciding to try out a new beta, yet highly glitches interface that no one could work out how to turn to the older version yet stopped you reading most of your emails, then it was the computer help I went to accidentally deleting important software from my computer when trying to fix what I later found out was a problem that could be dealt with in five minutes, now turning into an all day job to put said files back on my computer.

Suffice to say, we were not amused.

That in mind, I haven't actually finished any of the ideas I started with, though I thankfully managed to at least do the flats to a new character idea. So, my woes about technology aside, say hello to Aster Fontaine!

Aster is a character who can be seen as ambiguous, and is known to be non-binary, but there is likely some clues as to their birth gender in there. The picture does look somewhat unfinished, though, not only because of it being only in flats, but......because its actually missing some background as well. Aster is a mage character, though from a somewhat modern setting. It is my intention to show them wielding their power somewhat, hence the pose, but, of course, due to my technical issues, I didn't get around to that just yet. It is also my intention to show them in an alternate outfit as well, so the base sketch is fairly loose while I try to work out their clothing from that point as well. Depending on how things go and just how much detail into the powers and world that Aster comes from will depend on just how long the full picture will take, however.

I have been told by a friend that my colour coordination is still very avatar-ish....though in this case its just because I really like blue *Blushes*. To be fair, it wasn't exactly intentional, but it just seemed to suite Aster somewhat. Though admittedly an alternative colour idea was something more purplish to match their name. Ah well, perhaps I'll do a third alternative outfit and see how that goes too?

Oh! On another note, I'll be going on holiday next week for a short break, and I'm unsure how much wifi access I'll have, so its likely that, if I make a blog post for next week, it'll be later than my usual time. On the plus side, though, I will have my (thankfully now working) phone with me, so I'll do my best to keep you all up to date on any of my shenanigans through my twitter @chosha_kurenai, so hopefully that will tide you over until my return! :)

I'll also be sure to make my next blog post an interesting one, too.

Until next time!


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