Monday 24 July 2017

Doodle Me This

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

So, admittedly, most of this week I've been trying to get back into the swing of things after my holiday. A week hasn't particularly helped me in terms of my wrist, honestly, but I've been doing my best to at least do something, if only to keep my wrists in some kind of active condition. Keep my hand in, so to speak (Pun fully intended).

As such, I started doing the line art and flats for a character. While I haven't completed what I had in mind with the Aster images yet - the careful details for shadows seems to effect my wrist more than the line art part, oddly - those will come when I'm back in the swing of things. This character that I did was for a forum I frequent (and mentioned before), so at the very least it will help towards the archiving of the characters. It also helps me to get used to sketching on a computer as well. While I'm improving there, it is still a tad jarring to me to have to co-ordinate my hand on my tablet to what's going on the screen

As such, my character sketch ended up as such:

As usual, it seems that feet will always be something I have to do a few times before I'm pleased with them. Mainly why in the sketch it is a different colour. Other than that foot, I was rather pleased with how the sketch came out. If I coloured the foot right (an easy enough adjustment to make if this was for a paid sketch) and removed the bit from the original foot, it would be pretty decent. :)

As it is, I used this sketch to make the line art and flat colour for the character itself, creating this:

There is still a lot of detail that I would need to put in on the light and shading stage, of course, but for flat colour I felt that it came out rather well, if a little green. While admittedly there was a reason for this, perhaps I should study up a little more on colour theory to help make them a tad more....uh....colourful? Still, green as a colour is considered somewhat neutral in meaning, and this character is indeed rather neutral, avoiding fights and ties, generally drifting about life. He certainly comes across as laid back, at least to me, with his slouched posture and half lidded eyes.

As a newer character in my ever growing collection, I wasn't entirely sure if I had a good enough grasp of his personality to really give him justice. However, I think it came out much better than I could have hoped. Now, whether or not the final product will be just as good.....well, we'll have to see once my tendonitis has eased off a bit more.

Sorry that there wasn't much to show on this one, but hopefully you enjoyed it nonetheless.

Until next time!


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