Monday 31 July 2017

Return of the portraits!

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

So, my wrist is still not exactly up to par, but I have been doing things that I can still do, despite this - that is to say sketches, line art and flat colour, with the actual shading left until my wrist is feeling a little better to work on the finer details.

Since a lot of things I've been working on of late have been full body images, I thought I would work on my portrait project again, this time with another character, a somewhat innocent, fluffy haired character of mine with a few odd quirks to him named Mugyou Koe. As a character, he is a little shy and awkward about people, but is also capable of sensing a person through sounds only he can hear. His interesting quirk is that he tends to refer to people by the sounds he hears, rather than their actual names. For example he calls one friend 'Rain' and another 'River' because that is what their 'energies' sound like to him.

For this portrait, I did the base sketch in my sketch book rather than digitally, if only so I don't lose the ability to do so. While digital is great for correcting mistakes, it would just be a bit lazy to think I could so easily correct a miss-drawn line. It helps somewhat to keep my hand steady if I know I can't correct a mistake with a simple mouse click or short cut. As such, I ended up with this:

Admittedly, he looks a little more effeminate than I originally considered for him, but in combination with his personality, it seemed quite fitting for him. Admittedly I think I enjoyed sketching his hair. It just looks so fluffy! As such, I really couldn't bring myself to make him more manly. Not to mention I kind of drew this directly in biro, anyway, so.....Sorry, Koe, you are now doomed to androgyny! 

With the sketch done, I then photographed it, uploaded it to my computer (because unfortunately I lost the instructions to connect my new laptop to my scanner at the moment) and then worked from that photograph, adjusting the size so he better fit the digital page. In the end, line art and flat colour done, he looks like this:

I think he has come out quite well so far. Along with my images of Arashi and Shinta, I think this is one of my favourite portraits so far. Of course, the shading would finalise that decision, but that, unfortunately, is something that will have to wait until my wrist is back in working order - main problem when you have wrist problems, they seem to take forever to leave. *Sigh*

Well, I think if I didn't do at least a little in way of drawings, I'd get bored. lol! But anyway, hopefully I'll be able to finish off some of these pictures properly soon enough. Wish my wrist well and lets hope that time is fast approaching, yeah?

Until next time!


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