Monday 13 November 2017

More Updates!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Soooooo, I'm still on commissions that I can't yet show anyone just yet. Sucks somewhat that I can't show you my main projects right now, but I thought I would just give everyone a heads up on what's currently going on. The current project that I'm working on is entering the last hurdle and will likely be done by the end of the week, minus any tweaking time. If I had to give an estimate, I would say I've entered the last quarter of the work, just half the shadow and lightning effects to go! It's certainly been interesting working on it so far, let me tell you, especially since the background effects aren't ones I've commonly used before. But it looks like its pretty good so far, so I'm hoping that the last part will go as smoothly.

My day job has been a little odd recently, with last minute changes, so that's the main reason why I've not managed to complete it just yet, but considering I was expecting the project to last until the end of the month, I still have a lot of good timing left, including time for any last minute edits, if editing is needed. Better to overestimate how long I have than underestimate, am I right?

In other news, I have been considering what to work on next once the project I'm working on is finished (minus any more commissions, of course) and I'll admit I've been kind of interested in Persona 5 recently, so thinking of something based around that. Alternatively, there are a few character concepts that I've come up with recently, but have yet to really explore, so I'm looking to focus on those as well.

I've also been recently going through a lot of old story concepts, sketches and such and I'm actually rather interested in seeing what some of the things I came up with as a child were. So I've considered showing a compilation of old sketches and the like, if only to see how much my art style had developed since I was young. There are also times when people redraw things that they drew years ago, to see what they would look like now as well. That's also something that interests me, and could even be quite fun. I know some of my old story ideas were a bit.....meh, but I do recall that I've managed to rewrite and even salvage old ideas into something new, so, who knows, maybe some of those old characters might get to show up elsewhere as well.

Pretty much, I've decided that once my current project is over, I'll certainly have lots of things to show and tell, so to speak. If nothing else, we could all have a laugh at my old kiddy doodles! lol I might even talk about the story ideas they've come from as well, if I find the corresponding notes - I have a looooooot of note books lying around, let me tell you!

Either way, sorry for being somewhat boring for a second post, but I'm at least hoping you'll look forwards to some of the things I have planned. Wish me luck!

Until next time!


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