Monday 22 January 2018

New Stuff!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Well, one of my resolutions for the year was to actually do more work on Dreamwalkers, something that I've not really been able to work on the last year as much as I would have liked for various reasons. As I'm not going to a con this year, my main focus, as well as that of TanraStudios in general, is to update our stock. This not only includes new chapter(s) to our comics (in my case, Dreamwalkers) but also providing new posters, keychains and badges, as well as other things related to our comics. As such, I thought I'd give a bit of an update to the plans of what I'd be providing, so to speak.

So, the current plan is to come up with several concepts for badges that are related to Dreamwalkers. I should be doing six sketched badge concepts in total, though only two of these six will make it through a process of elimination into becoming actual badges for sale - only the best will win! Currently, I'm considering what might work best for badges based on past experience when creating limited badges for my past comic Susanoo. The badge based on Orochi's eye sold out much faster than others. Unfortunately, the Oneiros in the first case don't have quite as decorative eyes that would stand out on their own, so its likely that the badge designs will either be a character (Such as Rem, Somnus or Ashling) or something like an Oneiros? This still leaves me with a badge concept and positioning of the people in the picture. Would they look more normal, or Chibi style, that sort of thing.

Similarly, keyrings will also have a similar concept procedure. This means that I'll have six concepts but only two making it to the final cut. I have a couple of ideas for those so far, but nothing yet set in stone. Still, I do think these might be more likely to have a more chibi style to them. I'm sort of looking forwards to seeing a Chibi Oneiros. If its similar to a random doodle I did in the past, it could come across as kind of cute. But that all depends on design and colour.

Finally, new poster designs. I've never actually done a proper poster of Somnus that I've printed out to sell, so that is a consideration, but art styles and colour styles change a bit, so it might be interesting to make all new posters. The posters will likely end up being focused on after the badges and keyrings, however, since those need just that bit more work in terms of making them the right size and shape that would work.

These, of course, will be done alongside the new comic chapter, as well as looking into which cons for next year will be the best for us and a bit of research into other things as well. Oh, and a banner as well. We've been needing one of those for a while.

I'm also considering doing redesigns for my buisness cards for once my current stock runs out. Looking at them they could be a lot better and much more professional (not to mention two sided) so I also have plans in the works for that somewhere along the line this year. Its not a major priority right now as I do have quite a few of my old stock left over thanks to restocking on those just before the last convention I went on, but I do think an updated buisness card for personal use will look much better, especially since TanraStudios should be getting an upgrade for our collective one. It'd fit in much better, I think.

I'll admit, most of this past week has been based around early planning for the year as well as my day job, so I'm sorry I've yet to actually have any interesting designs to show that I'm happy with just yet, but I should at least have some early concepts and sketches next time, though they likely wont be the full short list just yet. Either way, I thought it best to keep you all up to date on what I'm planning for the year, since I kind of....missed the opportunity before with the Mission Commission posts. Whoopsy!

Until next time!


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