Sunday 28 January 2018

Busy Busy!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Well.....I have a bit of a confession to make this week. I...well, haven't really done all that much in way of art this week. That's mainly due to the fact that we were extremely short staffed at my day job and I only had one day off. Not to say I hadn't done anything this week beyond working the day job however, but most of it was in terms of research gathering, which pretty much was what I did on my day off. So...not much to show for it so far, but it is all important for things such as increased internet presence, crowd funding and looking around for the best kind of card readers to use at conventions. After all, at conventions its not always easy to get to a cash point. Considering we (that is myself and TanraStudios) are also adding to what we sell as well, it makes sense for us to start accepting card payments to. Its easier for us and for our customers as well :)

Even so, I do feel a little bad for having nothing really to show you guys this week.

Thankfully, my schedule does seem to be calming down this week coming up and I do have plans for starting my sketches for ideas for badges, which I've been considering even if I couldn't actually draw any out, so I know that next time I'll have lots of stuff to show you guys!

But for now, forgive me this rather short and somewhat boring post. But I promise to have a few fun things to show you next time!

In the meantime, I can at least explain some badge ideas I have had, at least ones I'm considering.

So, there are character face ones, which include Rem, Somnus and Ashling (at least currently since other characters haven't really shown up yet), an Onreios (though dunno if to do it in its full creepy glory or to 'chibify'), a Luphin (while a personal mascot I do try to add one into each chapter, hidden or otherwise. If you have chapter one of Dreamwalkers, look for the Luphin!) and maybe Somnus' eye, because his eyes are rather interesting to draw if nothing else. But these are currently just ideas I'll be playing with and I may have a ton of different designs just using these as a basis to go from. But yes, those are ones that I'll be sketching first before I shortlist the best six, which will then be shortlisted to the best two which will be part of the TanraStudio sale roster.

Thankfully I have more than just one day off next week so that always helps as well. Yay!

Got tons planned and I'm hoping that you guys will like the end result that'll make up for this particular post. But either way, I thought I'd better at least leave a proper explanation rather than just a twitter post saying 'no post this week because I've been a busy bee, sorry!'

Until next time! (With actual picture content too!)


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