Monday 12 February 2018

Look What I Found!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, before I get started, I want to make a big apology. I've not really been doing all that much online recently and even skipped a blog day, so I thought I should at least explain myself a little bit. I had a slight scare, medically, and I've been to the doctors about it. Thankfully, it looks like its nothing too serious and if all goes well (and it should be since the blood test they want me to do is just precautionary) I should be back to normal soon. But either way, at the time it did have me rather preoccupied. Well that and large amounts of work at my pub job. Either way, I thought it best to just let you guys know why I've been less than active on my blogs of late.

While I've got very little in way of new stuff to really show you guys, I have found a few of my older character concepts that you guys might find interesting. Hey, I've not really done much in way of Dreamwalkers recently, so I thought I'd show off a few of those. I have, in the past, show a few concepts of the main antagonists before, but I don't believe I've ever shown some of the initial concepts of the main cast like Rem, Somnus or Ashling - though I may hold back on concepts of characters I've yet to introduce, of course. At least until they're out in the comic itself.

So, to start us off, Let's look at our main guy, James 'Rem' Remington:

While its not the initial, initial concept for Rem, this was one of the earliest ones I've found from some of my old sketchbooks, though I know that somewhere on a lined pad with my very first bullet points of Dreamwalkers is a pen doodle of Rem with curly hair - a feature that later was inherited by Somnus. Its not the best drawing, of course - my proportions are pretty off here and my style wasn't quite as set as it is these days, so it does look a bit awkward, but beyond that, the hair, at least, has remained very similar. Dunno why, but a Rem without his antenna hair just seemed odd to me, even back then. He just doesn't look like him without it. lol.

Next, we have Somnus:

I don't know about you guys, but this version of Somnus reminds me of a vampire. lol. I believe that while I did keep a few of the features in his current appearance, I did soften them somewhat. I wanted him to have a somewhat supernatural feel without outright stating him to be entirely otherworldly. As you might be able to tell, however, a lot of his design did stay true to his current one. What can I say, I love his wavy/curly hair. lol

The last is one of the concepts for Ashling:

This is one concept I didn't do much to, although I was a bit unsure at the time what age range I was actually going for with her. Initially she was about high school age, but I did eventually bump her up to collage age, if only because if she was in high school it would be difficult for her to really get involved with 'missions', plus some schools can be a bit strict about part time jobs. Not to mention that the SOS team probebly wouldn't be taken too seriously if a high school kid was one of the lead 'assistants'. Still, I had a pretty clear image for her in my head - at least where the hairstyle was concerned, though her outfit choices did change several times over the concept process. Beyond that, however, she's been pretty true to form.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my older pictures of Dreamwalkers characters. It might be fun at some point to look at how I used to draw them besides how I draw them now. It could be pretty fun, I think. A future project! Well, when I'm not looking at badge concepts. lol.

Until next time!


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