Monday 26 February 2018

Undertale Frisk

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Admittedly this past week hasn't been massively productive, though along with my day job, my immune system decided that it was time for me to have yet another bad cold (at least I'm hoping its a cold, but it's irritating either way). While I thankfully rarely get seriously sick, I seem to have half a dozen colds a year. Maybe I need to start having vitamin supplements or something, see if it helps me beat off the colds. I'd love to go for a few months without hacking up a lung, feeling dizzy and yucky or constantly carrying tissues, but for now I suppose I'll be putting up with it and living off cold meds for a little while, all the while fighting off my dog who seems to have some fascination with stealing tissues, used or otherwise. Still puppy.

Oh well....

My winging aside, while I wasn't particually able to summon up the drive to do any focused, detailed work between work and colds, I did decide to at least keep my hand in on drawing and decided to draw something else. Frisk from Undertale, to be exact. I once did a more 'realistic' version once with less cartoony proportions, but that sketch went missing in my house somewhere during a cleaning blitz, much to my annoyance. This one, though, was looking at the sprite of Frisk and working on those kinds of proportions instead.

For those who have played Undertale, this Frisk is likely from a True Pacifist route. It came out a bit too cute to be anything else. Although it does make me want to draw a Chara at some point....Anyways, this is what I came up with (Note it is only in flat colour right now)

I admit that I didn't go with the yellow skin colour, mainly as Frisk started to look more like a Simpson than an Undertale character (That or a racist stereotype, something I certainly wanted to avoid). The slightly more tan look seemed a bit more fitting.

Admittedly, I have no idea what age Frisk is meant to be here, though I would probebly say they've not reached double figures. Or they have a ridiculous case of babyface. Admittedly the more 'realistic' one (that I'm upset went missing) looked around thirteen at the oldest, but ho hum.

Either way, I do hope to finish this off at some point when I'm feeling a bit better and my eyes dont feel like they're about to fall out of my head (Head colds are a pain, have I mentioned that before? :P)

Welp, until next time!


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