Monday, 5 March 2018

Feeling Moogle-d!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

This week I've been mostly focusing on a bit of self-research about social media. Despite having a bit of an online presence, admittedly it could be a hell of a lot better. I've just never been overly sure of what to write down on witter or Facebook that might be interesting other than maybe boring people to death chatting about what silly antics my pet dog has got up to or what I happened to eat that day.

Really, I'm not that interesting to be honest. Or at least I'm not good at on the spot tweeting because I second guess myself, since my blogs might not be interesting if I already mentioned everything before (Assuming I dont bore everyone to death with my rambling. lol)

Still, I do want to improve myself, and, if I look into it properly, it might also help out TanraStudios as well. Yay!

But either way, I admit I've not done too much this week in terms of my actual art because of that beyond a few silly doodles for badge ideas that really are in no state to be shown just yet.

On the other hand, I did find a doodle I did a little while ago. I remember that I was chatting with some friends on Discord and for whatever reason, we ended up discussing me as a Moogle (As in the little creatures from Final Fantasy games). Deciding to go a step further, I ended up doing a quick five minute sketch on the subject and ended up with this:

I have a bit of a habit of wearing things like hoodies and stuff, so I ended up just drawing the Moogle in the type of clothes I might wear, making its head 'fur' resemble my usual hairstyle (My hair is usually just pulled back like that because it really is a pain to deal with or takes hours to deal with. I honestly would rather be doing anything else than tame my hair. lol) and, if only to drive the point home in the sketch, I wrote the initials of my penname (Chosha Kurenai) on the ball on its head.

For a sketch that barely took a few minutes, I thought it came out pretty good. I might have to do a much more clean version at some point. lol. 

Admittedly, I've never really attempted to draw myself as an animal or something before, even if the Luphin is my mascot. Luphin, after all, is not me. But it is kind of interesting to think about what features you have that you can still transfer over to a non-human and have it still, if only slightly, resemble yourself. 

Of course, I doubt that, if I was an animal, I'd be a Moodle. I doubt I'd be one of my favourite animals either (Fox or Dragon, the latter if one is leaning into mythology). I'd probebly end up as a Sloth. Tara the sloth, what do you think? Might have to try drawing myself as animals at some point. Could be funny! Or a bit too literal? Who knows?

Until next time!


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