Monday 19 March 2018

Dreamwalker Sketch!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Well, its been a while since I actually drew anything for Dreamwalkers, honestly, especially where one of the characters is concerned. The character in this case being the first of the female members of SOS, Ashling. Now, Ashling has been mentioned before and even one of her concepts has been shown. However, I never did a full body of her and, as with all the characters in Dreamwalkers, they are a bit more realistic in the fact they dont constantly wear the same outfits either. The outfit she wore on the initial picture is not the one she's wearing when she first shows up in the comic itself.

Today I'm showing the initial outfit, or at least its concept, in a full body sketch (though it doesn't have any facial detail as that wasn't the parts I was focusing on in the sketch. I was mainly working out her clothing).

This start outfit has gone through several versions, simple as it may seem at first glance. The reason for this was because in Ashling's debut, there were several scenes which would have been awkward had she been in, say, a skirt. For example, fighting scenes or dramatic angles might have resulted in unnecessary panty shots. I'll say this now that I usually very much dislike 'fanservice' just for the sake of it in very distracting parts when a scene is meant to be somewhat serious. I had then tried it with shorts underneath to match the dark top that is under her shirt, but the design made her seem more like a younger teen than a mid to older one. That or it looked a bit odd when also adding those boots to the equation. In the end, I wanted to go for a more 'tomboy' feel, and while her clothes could be school uniform-ish, it wouldn't be too difficult to make it more of a simple style rather than a uniform coloured oddly.

With this design, it ended up feeling more practical for action scenes that occur soon after her appearence, and allows her to have a bit more freedom of movement without needing to worry about accidentally flashing someone. Its not to say she'll never wear a skirt or dress, but at least for her first appearence I'd rather her at least get a awesome first showing rather than coming across as 'token girl who's only there for fanservice'.

Believe me, though, she is a fairly fun character to draw in action scenes and I'm really looking forwards to getting those full sized, detailed moments in production phase. But even at the thumbnail phase, she's fun if only because she gets to be sassy even without me adding words. lol!

On another note, I'm now on some sketched idea phase for the badges that TanraStudios hopes to implement. Twelve ideas in total, six being in the usual style, six being in Chibi form. I'm honestly looking forwards to it. All I'm waiting on at the moment is the dimensions to work towards so I know just what room I have to work in. Should be lots of fun to see what I end up coming up with. I've got a few ideas already that I hope will work. In the meantime, though, I'll be having a bit of practice on line weight and some interesting expressions for the characters. After all, I'll want to be sure to get the best sides on their faces if that's the main part of the drawing, right?

Until next time!


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