Monday 16 July 2018

Busy Birthday Buisness!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

This past week has been a hectic one for a number of reasons, some good, some bad, but certainly made the week a busy one. For those of you who've been following the World Cup, as you likely know the semi-finals, the finals and the runner up games all played last week. While upsetting that England ended up in fourth place, it is the highest they've been in a World Cup for a while, so there is that as consolation. Even so, well done to France for their win!

As much as I'd like to say it was busy for me, personally, because I was watching it...not so much. As you likely know (unless this is the first post from me you've been reading), I work at a bar and so have been covering shifts there whenever the games were playing, particually for the England matches and the big games like the semis and the final. This wasn't particually helped by one person leaving and another (through no real fault of their own) had to call in sick, so we were rather short staffed. Coupled with the local football team also having a friendly match on the same day as England's last match and...yeah, we were busy.

On a somewhat different, yet related in why this week was busy...T'was my 30th birthday! The big Three Oh! Somewhat scary to think about when half the time I dont feel older than 20 at most, lol! Either way, my family, particually the girls of the family, ended up having a spa experence, which was really nice! Not only did I get to spend time with my aunt, who I've not seen since Christmas, but also got to spend some quality time with my older sister and my mum, all the while getting treated to massage, facial and use of the facilities like the sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and other things. Also had pool side drinks and we were provided meals too.

Not to mention the cake. Ah, the cake.

Followers of my twitter may have seen the cake I got for my birthday, but for those who dont follow me there, this is the awesome thing I got presented with!

Please forgive the not so presentable-ness of the photos. We had, after all, been having treatments and been in the pools. Not particually great for photos (Well, unless you're a move star shooting a scene complete with hair flicking. lol)

Anyway, apparently my mum had told the cake maker 'She likes foxes. Do something with foxes' and this is what we got! I don't know if you can tell from the photos but the thing was huge! There was three layers to the cake shaped like the tree stump and the attention to detail was awesome! I really loved the markings in the tree and on top of it, making it look like it was actually wooden. I'm not sure how long it took, but it was awesome! The cake tastes great too. But even after the four of us had some and some was cut for other family members I still have at least a quarter of the thing left! Looks like we'll be eating cake for a while. lol!

Well, with everything happening this week I'll admit I have little in way of art that's presentable to show off, but with the World Cup and my birthday passed, I should be back to my art once more. So, until next time!


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