Monday 9 July 2018

When Tech Attacks!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Firstly, 'twas my niece's birthday yesterday! She was two years old! Though I saw her in person on Sunday, gave her a present (a pop up playhouse which she adores! :D) and went to her birthday party at this cool place called Imagination Lane - seriously, when I was a kid I would have loved it there. It was a place made to look like a street with different themed pods made to look like a theatre, shops, construction sites etc where you could play with the various props, such as the shop having trollies and items and a fake cash register and post office etc, or the construction site having foam bricks to build things (and kids sized safety equipment like helmets and high viz vests, etc) - I wanted to still, once more, wish her a happy second birthday! Many happy returns, Tabitha!

With my well wishes aside, what I would like to say to you all this week is 'Hey, look, more badge progress' or 'Hey look, that project about the twins I told you about before has progressed', but no. It seems that the technology I use to do those things decided 'Hey, here's a fun thing, lets make any kind of drawing or use of the tablet as difficult as hell and see how frustrated Tara gets!'

Basically, every time I try to use my tablet, the curser becomes 'sticky'. By this I mean it doesn't drop something when you lift the curser, or decides to continue a line even when you've lifted the curser, meaning any time I try to do line art, use the eraser tool or anything else that requires some precision, it just makes a mess. If I wanted to use a tool to move something to transform its size or shape, the curser wont let go at all and so it ends up nowhere near the place, size or shape I originally wanted.

Funny, usually its that the pressure sensor stops working so lines look like I used the mouse to draw or my computer having a tizzy. This glitch is pretty new to me.

Eventually, it stopped doing it just occasionally and is now doing it all the time, so litterally all I've managed this weak is Kuro's face in line art on the twins picture, and that was with a looooooot of frustration, erasing and backspacing to get that done.

I have, hopefully, found a few solutions to my dilemma, however, since 'turn it off and on again' and 'replugging it' doesn't seem to work. Essentially, it seems that sometimes the pressure sensor in the pen gets stuck and doesn't realise you've lifted it. The solution to this is apparently to remove the nib, which helps reset the pressure sensor and, hopefully, stop the problem. As it is, apparently doing it for a few minutes or even an hour doesn't work - you have to do it overnight. As such, this is now what I'm trying. If this doesn't work my last solution is to reset the drivers. If that doesn't work, well, I'm screwed. Or at least I'll need to get another tablet. But here's hoping that the nib solution works! Fingers crossed for me!

Should this work, I'll be back in buisness, though! Minus my birthday coming up in a few days. I'm really looking forwards to that, though! I'll be the big Three Oh!

(I'm getting old. Lol)

So, hopefully, I'll have lots to report next time I see you!

Until next time!


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