Monday 25 February 2019

Mission Commission: Phase Two!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So I am almost finished with the commission that I'm working on - As I'm currently working on some tiny details. However, can at least show a little bit more of what I've done. (The next time I post anything about it will be the full version).

So for those that have missed the post about it before, I'm working on a commissioned full body image of a character that was adapted from a game into a Kingdom Hearts character. In a previous post, I showed the two base sketches that I made of the character, one in a battle pose, the other in a more relaxed state. The relaxed state was chosen by the client, and so I've been working on it.

This time, I'll be showing the flat colour of the commission and talk about what I'm currently working on involving the character in question.

So first, the flat colour:

 I apologise for any blurring - for some reason, uploading pictures on here seems to lower the quality. However, at least you get the gist of it and the final versions will end up uploaded on my DA page once it's been handed over to the client. Anyway, this was the first version of the flat colour using the screen shots of their created character as a basis. Unfortunately, the lightning on the character had been indoors and in a yellowish flame lamp, so I misjudged the colour, making what should have been a pale creamy white ended up being more beige in colour. As such, I adjusted the colour into something a bit closer to the desired effect, which came out like this:
This was agreed to match the desired colour. The crystals are at the moment just a blue colour, but the plan for them are to not only have them (and the halo) glow, but to not be a single shade of blue. Like some actual real life crystals, they aren't always a single colour and do sometimes show faults in them.

With colour added to her, she is beginning to take shape. However, the next steps here are to add lights, shadows and effects to it in order to make her pop. Lastly, the keychain to the keyblade needs to be added, as I have recently been given the design idea for that based off a structure within the final fantasy game that she's based in. This would be joined to the keyblade by a chain from the smallest crystal on the hilt of the keyblade.

Again, sorry if the images are so low quality. I'm not entirely sure why but it does seem that Blogger has really reduced the resolution on uploads recently. Has anyone else noticed that too? If there is any way of changing this, please let me know, as the images I tried to upload were of much higher quality than this (600dpi even), so I am a bit confused.

Until next time!


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