Monday 18 February 2019

Updates and Portraits!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, I have been working on the commission that I mentioned about last time, but as it's currently unfinished, I can't show everything just yet. What I can show, however, is the line art, both for that and a side thing I've been working on in-between.

So first is line art for the commissioned character of Chidori. As shown last time, I had made two sketches - one that was a 'battle stance' showing Chidori with her Keyblade. The other was more of a way to showcase her personality as well as to show her holding her keyblade, which can be used as a blade or a staff (since she is a final fantasy-based white mage, at least in the outfit that had been chosen for her. The sketch of the two that had been chosen had been the one that showed a bit of her personality, rather than a battle stance.

Line art wise, this is the basic one I'm currently working with:

Unlike the sketches from before, I have added extra details, such as the areas that are scaled on her skin, the details on her clothing and I also included the halo, which previously I had left out. The current Halo is more a placeholder than the final thing, however, as that will end up as a more 'energy' appearence than something actually solid. A lot more detail will be added in the colour phase, such as smaller details on the lining of the clothing, etc. I m currently working on the colour phase now, including shading, lights and effects, but I will have to wait until it's been handed over to the client to give more updates there :)

In the meantime, I do have something else I was working on, more in line with a portrait than the full body line art that Chidori is. This is a character going by the name of Riku Koishi.

First, I began with a basic sketch:

I wanted Riku to come across as being androgynous as a character, partly due to his age, and partly due to a situation that we came up with when the character was in a creation phase of his being dressed up as a magical girl thanks to another character and not only not minding but looking good at it. His jumper has a symbol on the chest meant to be a make, but for this one, I actually used the initials of my pen name - Chosha Kurenai - in a stylized manner. After all, this character is made by me, so why not? lol. Maybe I'll use the CK as a kind of watermark, maybe? Assuming I dont end up using a Luphin. lol

Line art wise, this is what I came up with:

In the line art, he doesn't look quite as effeminate as in the sketch, but still has some level of androgynous appearence. His hand looks a bit better as well, covering the stone of the necklace that he is wearing - the actual necklace has a carved stone at the end. He can see through any stone material as long as he has a stone close by. I think the initials on the hoody came out decently as well, though a bit shaky, since the material of the hoody is a bit baggy, so a more flat version still needs to be made. lol. There are a few things that need tweaking, but for the most part, it came cout pretty well. I kinda like his eyes the best :)

Of course, this is just a side thing, so it might not be finished any time soon, but it was nice to at least get an idea for what he looked like.

Sorry for the delay on this blog, by the way! Next Monday I should be posting on Mondays as usual, rather than have a missed week. 

Until next time!


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