Monday 18 March 2019

Sketchy Raccoons!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Sorry for the delay on this post. I  have mentioned in the past that I occasionally have difficulties with my wrists - mainly reoccurring tendonitis - so I didn't particually have anything to really show off just yet. Well, other than my finished commission, but as I'm waiting on payment for that it doesn't feel right to show it off before the client can have it, you know?

While they're still a tad achy, I at least dont need them strapped up, so I did some sketches, mostly just to get my hand back in and give my wrists a bit of gentle exercise. Since I had been drawing Milo recently, I thought I'd stay on a similar vein and draw some more Milo things.

Milo was created mainly as a Zootopia/Zootropolis based Kingdom Hearts character, so I decided to have a go at drawing him with a keyblade. Note that the keyblade in the current sketches is only one idea for what it actually could be, since I'm still a little unsure as to the design of the blade itself. I'll likely be doing some pure keyblade ideas at some point and figure out what fits best on blade design alone, but for now, these were just sketches of Milo as a keyblade wielder.

So the first sketch was just an idea of him in his normal outfit with (a version of) his keyblade:

As you can tell, the keyblade itself is exceptionally sketchy. The basics of it is that it is a night stick with a stylised paw print as the key's teeth and the guard is horns arching downward. Between the blade and hilt is a ZPD badge. As Milo is a detective, it seemed fitting to mix animalistic features into police-type ones. 

With Milo being so small - Zootopia sizes of the characters match their real animal counterparts if they stood on hind legs) - the keyblade itself is able to shoot energy bullets, but my friends and I have jokingly considered his fighting style with it might resemble the kind you expect from Star Wars' Yoda, allowing the small character to fight much larger opponents.

The second sketch of him I decided to do, not in his casual clothing, but the suit he, as a private investigator, would likely wear on the job.

Bit unsure if in a final image he would have the shirt tucked in like this or loose as his casual shirt tends to be. However, this is the first time I've actually drawn him in his work's clothing, so this might end up changing later down the road. 

Oh, my sketches aside, I'm considering trying to do the Milo drawing I did last time into an image using that experimental art style I sometimes try which is different from my usual art style. Since all I've done to it so far is a base sketch and a colour test on it, its the perfect base for me to give it a try. Plus, since Zootopia itself is a 3D animation, rather than a 2D, it seemed a fitting image to attempt. 

So, the plan going forward is to show various ideas for the keyblade that Milo could end up with going forward, and the image of Milo using my experimental style to see if this would made for an interesting image of Milo, maybe even closer to the canon style than 2D. So expect the beginnings of one or the other, or maybe both coming up!

Once again, sorry for the delay on this, but thanks for sticking with me, everyone! You're all awesome! :)

Until Next Time!


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