Monday 15 April 2019

A Little Bit Buggy!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Long time no see, everyone! I apologise for the lack of posts for a little while. I've been having the odd technical issue and been rather busy, which left me with either not much time (or lack of an ability) to upload anything. However, I seem to have everything fixed (Fingers crossed everyone!) so my posts should be back to normal from now on. Thanks for being patient with me!

So, I have been working on a character based on the idea of a centipede. Now, the character themselves doesn't have multiple legs, nor is it based off creepy horror movies that involve human centipedes either, but rather the character themselves would have similar strengths and weaknesses, along with a connection to the creature itself.

So far, its mostly in the planning stage, so the character itself isn't yet set in an appearence. The sketch is currently a 'pilot', if you will, of what it could end up becoming later. It's also a bit younger than what the character likely will be aged in his final design. However, there are aspects to the sketch that will likely be following on to its final design.

So, the first sketch of the character is this:

So, the character is actually human, no matter how it currently looks. The main idea for his face was to try and pick aspects or ideas about a centipedes appearence that might fit onto a human. The face, therefore, consists of a mouth guard/cover, called a 'hanbo' - an armoured face mask that tends to cover the nose and mouth. Some of these are patterned, usually with snarls and demonic mouths, etc, but I thought it might be fitting to mimic an insects mandibles. His eyes are hidden behind goggles - Centipedes are sensitive to light, so having shaded goggles seems fitting - which gives the bug-like appearence. I was trying to get the hair to mimic antenna, though I didn't think I wanted them to stand up on top of his head. Centipede antenna seem to lay close to the body, so having the long bangs laying either side of his face seemed a bit more fitting (and the character themselves is likely not the type to stand in front of a mirror trying to wax hair into spikes.

I had considered that, because of how armoured centipedes are, that under his clothing he would likely have some form of plate armour. It was something of a last minute addition there, since I was mostly working on the face, but the hand and arms do have armguards to mimic the segments of a centipede.

This, of course, is a rough sketch idea and certainly not a final idea. But it had given me a few ideas to move forwards. That in mind, I will be working on something a little closer to the final idea for a character based on a centipede, along with a few other ideas to go with it. We'll have to see just how it turns out. I hope you'll all enjoy seeing the later designs.

Don't worry, I'll also still be working on that name plate idea I had last time. Certainly helps that I can now access my computer again :)

Until next time!


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