Thursday 29 October 2015

London MCM 2015 and CareersFest

Hi everyone, welcome back!

This week has certainly been a busy week for me, and not just in ways of Dreamwalkers. As you may or may not have known, last week I mentioned that Nadia and I would be going down to London MCM. Let me just say that, even if we primarily went down there for work related reasons (ie advertising our joint comic, Pandora) we certainly had a blast!

Before I get into the fun stuff, though, I've got to say that the fliers that Nadia made for Pandora went really well. We only had 100, due to money constraints, but we managed to give out all of them, and even had some good feedback. Nadia was really pleased - since she is starting off on the art work first (we are alternating on this), and people seemed to like her art style from the fliers. I'm glad they went well too. Hopefully people will like the promotion idea we gave them and send in those free codes to our joint email - we're giving out free images of the characters to those with a code, you see,

We also did a bit of networking and met several people, We're doing an essay/report as part of our university course. The topic that I ended up deciding on was one that I thought might link in well with what Nadia and I are doing - that is to say, starting up a publishing house (Tanra Studios). So I thought it would be a great subject to write about for our essay to tie everything together, not to mention it would give us more info on what we might struggle with in the future, what we would need to look out for, etc. So, while we weren't handing out fliers, we were also speaking to various people in Comic village asking if they wouldn't mind allowing us to interview them. Some were really helpful - Big Punch Studios were great (they've given us advice in the past and are very happy to help us too. Its great as their work is really good!), and others seem like they'd be happy to talk to us as well. I hope that we learn a lot from them, both for the essay and to help with Tanra Studios, once we have it properly up and running.

Obviously, it wasn't all business (though even the business was fun). We got to see some great things as well.

I got to meet Rooster Teeth, and got signatures. They even gave a little advice to Nadia and I about starting up a small business as well. That was awesome, though I'm pretty sure whoever was next in line might have been a bit annoyed we were taking too long. Even with the holes being glared into our heads though, the guys were cool. There was some pretty awesome RWBY cosplayers around too.

Speaking of cosplayers, There were some really good ones! I unfortunately didn't get to photograph many (I likely would have run out of storage on my phone), but I did get a few. Some of my favorite ones included:

Ruby Rose

Well, I did mention that I saw some cool RWBY cosplays around the Rooster Teeth area, and I got to say, this one was my favorite, along with Yang (I unfortunately didn't manage to get a picture of the Yang cosplayer as they were in the cue in front of us, so thought it best not to disturb her.

I so want the scythe though! I have to wonder if its heavy, though...

Aang Firebending

I love Avatar: The Last Airbender, so I got to say I was really happy to see cosplayers for the show. What I was even more impressed with was how this person could portray the character bending fire. I got to say, that is ingenious!

For this one I had to take several shots because the person cosplaying had to keep moving, but looking at it like this really made it seem as though they were actually bending fire. It was very convincing and she was doing some awesome moves. Wish I had a faster 'trigger finger' for my camera. But that's the best use of a fire coloured cloth, I gotta say!

Studio Ghibli

Well, I couldn't really say it was from one show that was made by Studio Ghibli, but it had a blend of My Neighbour Totoro and Spirited Away and was probably one of the more elaborate cosplays I got to see - I had to wonder if it was hard to move in, though...

Seriously, this thing must have taken forever to make! My hat is of to you! Seriously, I'm impressed!

There were, of course, loads more, but I could spend ages talking about cosplays alone! lol. Unfortunately, we did eventually have to come back home again. After all, I can't neglect Dreamwalkers!

After coming back from MCM, though, the University have this careers week going on - tomorrow is the last day I believe - so I've also been along to that this week. There has been a bunch of different talks on and stands to see people looking for job opportunities and such in the future. Most appear to be in the care industry, but I did find a few that might be useful for me, or rather for myself and Tanra studios. There was a stall based around law, which is important to know when starting a business, there was a stall for the council that took down our names for if anything business related crops up, there was a stall looking for mentors for these summer trips for kids, which would be interesting experience if nothing else. I know there's a few I've planned to look at tomorrow too, Lots of opportunities!

Speaking of opportunities, my friends and I were in the right place at the right time, too - we ended up getting our picture taken for the university and for the Sentinel (the local newspaper), advertising about CareersFest too. We made sure to get one of the copies:

It's pretty cool really that we were picked to be photographed like that. Lucky, huh?

Of course, I've been working on Dreamwalkers, too. I've got a page completely finished now, but I can't really show it without spoiler-ing it right now. I hope that when I have the appropriate pages done, I can show a few teaser pages of what might be expected when its all finished, so there is that to look forwards too. Of course, I've still got loads to do. 

Still, its fun! I'm looking forwards to that.

I'll have more Dreamwalker related stuff for next time, and maybe more stuff as well. 

Til then, see you next time!


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