Thursday 19 November 2015

Tanra Studios and Competition Entries

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

This weeks has been a little slow for me in terms of the comic itself, mainly as I had a deadline in for the report I'm currently beginning to compile, with a minimum of 2000 words needed for the initial hand in (with a maximum of 4000 words total for the full report). While this seemingly has little to do with Dreamwalkers, it has a lot to do with Tanra Studios, which is the house name that Nadia and I are producing our comics under.

We were allowed to chose our own topic of report. Considering that Nadioa and I are hoping to become a professional comic publishing house, we thought that we should tie our reports into our business ventures. So recently I've been doing a lot of research around business start ups, publishing and comic publishing houses, and spent most of the week working on putting together the research into a logical order.

Honestly, there was so much information that we've been finding out that I'm actually worried that 4000 words wont be enough, since I've pretty much hit almost 3500 words before I even got to the interviews that we're supposed to conduct! I suppose that means that I will need to go over it again to cut down a bit, but I'll be keeping the research either way, as it might come in useful at a later date.

I've also been doing some other things. Similar to last week I've done another base sketch for one of the icons for Tanra Studio's webpage, this time being the image of Mizuki:

It actually took me a lot longer than it did when I drew Huxian. Its a little odd - in terms of design, Mizuki isn't actually the mos complicated of the main characters, but for some reason she can be rather difficult to draw at times. Still, I'm rather happy how this came out. I'm sure it'll look even better once it's scanned up and had a digital touch to it. 

We're also currently thinking about changing our logo for Tanra Studios. The first is a little on the akward side - we somewhat rushed it so we had a logo, but talks with John Charles made us realise it wasn't a particually good one. So, we're beginning to come up with some new ideas. I'll keep you posted on that, once we've made some good progress on that front.

There is something else I'll be doing as well as myself, rather than as part of Tanra Studios - I've entered a competition over on Deviant Art:

My Deviant Art name is Chosha-Kurenai, so keep an eye out on this contest, as I'll be placing an entry there. If anyone else is interested in taking part, you might want to check it out as well. Either way, fingers crossed for me!

Of course, I'll be doing more with Dreamwalkers again, and I hope to be a bit more productive on that front now that the first half of my report is done (for now), so hopefully next week I'll have a lot more to report for Dreamwalkers.

Until next time!


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