Monday 20 June 2016

The Degree Show

Hey Everyone! Welcome Back!

So, this past week was the Degree Show that I've been mentioning the past few posts I made. The show itself consisted of pretty much all the 'arts' departments (including ourselves in Cartoon and Comic Arts, Fine Art, Graphics, Textiles, Animation, Photography, Foundation Art and others) putting on a show of work for people to come and check out, as well as giving us the opportunity to sell work there. Since Dreamwalkers was originally part of my final degree project (as well as being something I really wanted to start anyway! lol), my part of the show was pretty much all about that.

Here is a photograph of my display:

Sorry if the photograph came out a little dull. 

Still, talking about the displays, I had two prints at the top of the main characters of Dreamwalkers - Somnus and Rem, then on the second row is (techincally) three pages from the comic itself - one being a double page spread. Then on the bottom row is an image of Rem in an anime-like colour style, and lastly, there is the comic itself.

As well as being on display, Dreamwalkers made its debut for sale as well - a little later than I hoped, due to various issues in printing, but it was also quite fitting, considering it was made as part of my degree. I was quite pleased as I sold half of my stock there.

For everyone who bought a copy of Dreamwalkers, thank you so much! There were so many interesting comics there made by my peers, so that you wanted mine makes me so happy! I'm currently working on part two and hope to have it finished by the end of the year.

The Degree Show is over now (awww) but I hope everyone that came to it enjoyed it.

I should be finding out my actual results for the module (maybe even my overall one!) this Thursday, so fingers crossed I did well!

But either way, good or bad, I just want to let everyone know that I'm really happy that you've been interested in my work so far and I hope you all continue to support me :)

Until next time!


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