Monday 27 June 2016

Good News!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I apologize that this was somewhat delayed. I've actually been a bit unwell. Including the fact that my wrist had, once more, began to flare up again. It's still not quite right - if I put my hands under cold water it causes my thumb to twinge - bit it's improving somewhat, at least enough that I can type or hold things (where work is concerned) with my wrist strapped up. So I'll apologize for the moment that there wont really be images today since I've been trying to rest my hand outside of work. Sorry about that.

On a brighter note, I have good news!

Well, it was good news for me at any rate. lol. As I mentioned in a couple of past posts, hand in was completed, and we also completed the Degree Show. Well, last week we all had our Degree Results back and I was so happy! I got a first! Totaled up with my results from other modules and I'll be graduating BA Cartoon and Comic Arts with First! I had been so nervous, especially as this final module had the most credits going towards the final degree.

So, what will be happening now?

Well, one thing I can tell you is that I'll still be posting on this blog. But if you mean in general, other than preparing for graduation, I'll be continuing to work on Dreamwalkers, with Part 2 the next to work on. Nadia and I will be working more on TanraStudios as well, with various projects we hope to get up and running, though we also need to make sure we can get our works printed as well. We'll also be looking for more conventions to attend as well for next year, as those for this year are already fully booked. If all goes well, we should be working on our full website as well. Once that is up, I'll also put up links to it on my webpage as well as social media.

All in all, there wont really be much differences here, if you think about it, other than you'll have a very happy me!

What I do want to say is congrats to everyone else who will be graduating Cartoon and Comic Arts at Staffs Uni this July! I'll be sure to post up pictures :)

Until next time!


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