Sunday 28 August 2016

Ten Character Facts: Ashling Maury

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

To continue the trend of my last two posts, I'll be covering ten facts of the last of the three (currently known) characters of Dreamwalkers - Ashling Maury!

1) Ashling was the first of the female characters to have been created for Dreamwalkers, though certainly not the last. She was created soon after James Remington and Somnus.

2) Much like the reast of the cast, Ashling has a name that is related to sleep and/or dreaming. The name 'Ashling' is a variant of the irish name 'Aisling', which means 'Dream or 'Vision'. It originates from a irish language poetic genre called an aisling, which was developed in the 17th to 18th century, but was only created as a name in the 20th century.

3) Ashling was one of the few names that was chosen from the get go, though her surname was changed a few times before I decided on Maury.

4) Ashling's clothing style was originally going to be more like a school uniform. However, I actually made her a little older later in comic development, bumping her up to collage/university age. Her clothing is now inspired by a 'punk' style.

5) Ashling, similar to James Remington, has an art based passion. However, rather than creative writing, Ashling instead is studying fine art.

6) Ashling is 18 years old at the start of Dreamwalkers, with her birthday being on March 2nd. This makes her the second youngest of the team.

7) If a colour was associated with Ashling, then her colour would be red.

8) Out of all the Dreamwalkers, Ashling has worked with Somnus the longest.

9) While a member of the Dreamwalkers team, due to her course, working for S.O.S is a part time job, though she still takes it seriously.

10) Ashling first appears in the second chapter of Dreamwalkers

I hope you enjoyed the last (at least for a little while) of character facts. Though next time I'm going to do a little on some of the Lore of Dreamwalkers. Either that or I'll be shoeing some of the art that I've managed to do lately now that I have my new laptop :)

Until next time!


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