Monday 22 August 2016

Ten Character Facts: Somnus

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

Last time I gave ten facts of James Remington, the main character of my comic Dreamwalkers. This week, its now the turn of Somnus! So, lets get the show on the road! :)

1) Somnus was one of the first characters created for Dreamwalkers, along with James Remington, his creation beginning with the original concept of the comic. 

2) Somnus' name, much like all the cast, has a link to dreams and sleep, though his is the most obvious in origin. Somnus is the name of the Roman god of sleep. It is also the origin of the word 'Somnolent' - which means 'sleepy/drowsy' or 'to cause drowsiness/sleepiness', the latter meaning fitting quite well with his main role.

3) Somnus had a few alternate names which also had links to sleep and dreams. However, after thinking about it, those names later were used for the name and ranking of the Onreios.

4) There is an object that is carried by Somnus that he is never without. That object does end up the point of a joke or two, though it does have an important role.

5) Each character appears to have a colour associated with them. For Somnus, his 'colour' is purple.

6) Somnus is the founder of the S.O.S group. S.O.S in this case stands for Somnus Oneirology Specialists. As such, he has the most knowledge of the Onreios

7) Somnus's birthday is February 1st and seems to be in his mid twenties at the beginning of Dreamwalkers

8) Appearance wise, Somnus originally was supposed to have straight hair, while James had curly. This was later switched, though his hair length remains the same

9) Somnus favours a more Gothic Victorian appearance, despite the fact it stands out, as he feels that it is far more stylish than more modern styles. However, while he might wear a different variety of these over the course of the comic series, the colour scheme remains the same

10) Somnus is the most mysterious of all of the characters in Dreamwalkers, though his story comes through during events of the comic itself.

I hope you enjoyed the ten facts about Somnus. :)

Next week, we'll be covering the last of our current known main cast of Dreamwalkers: Ashling Maury

Until next time!


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