Monday 30 January 2017

True Believers!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, we've made it through the first few weeks of 2017 and, with that, the first Con that I'll be attending this year is fast approaching. Which Con? True Believers! :)

Along with Nadia as part of TanraStudios, I'll be attending my third True Believer's run event, the first two having been TBCF 2016, and the smaller 'Mall Con' event that took place later on the same year. With TBCF 2016 being one of the best conventions that we sold at, as well as one of the most fun, we'll be here once again! We'll be selling some of our older titles such as Susanoo and Unbound, but we will also be selling our bigger comics or Dreamwalkers #1 and Pandora #1 as well. Not only that but we will be offering commissions, and we'll also be running our lucky dip, which is always pretty good, as you win every time.

Of course, we hope to be able to have a good look around ourselves, if possible, since there'll be tons of other things to see as well, so, if you spot Nadia or myself around the convention, or at the TanraStudios table, come say hey :)

Speaking of our table, you will be able to find us with this handy map:

We really would love to see you all! Oh, we'll also be live tweeting events at the con as well, both on my twitter and on the Tanra one. We'll also be hoping to find our top five fave cosplays as well to talk about. And, finally, we'll be summing up our thoughts of the event on the next blog, too, so, hopefully, if you guys have not yet attended True Believers and are thinking about doing so in the future, you might find it interesting.

That's all for now, but you guys'll be hearing a lot from me and TanraStudios on twitter this weekend for the Convention, so I hope you'll look forwards to it as much as I will :)

Until next time!


Monday 23 January 2017

From Me to You

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

Sooooo, I've been a busy bee this week. As well as my bar job, I've been doing stock checks for something that will be coming up very soon (which I'll be talking about in depth next time). On the down side, I had a filling fall out, which kinda sucks since I only went to the dentist literally days before. Typical. Still, it's not all bad news - I started a new job, which I've had tons of fun at on my first day, and I have family members recommending me a good accountant, so, unlike my stint as an Aromatherapist, I shouldn't have as much trouble managing my books.

Speaking of family members, it's my big sister's birthday today! Happy Birthday, Dawnie! I hope you had a wonderful day!

As I mentioned last time, I already had a present for her (which she has had and likes, I'm happy to say!) But I wanted to get her something penguin themed, since that is her favourite animal. No luck on that front for my present, as they sold out of what I wanted to get, so since my main present was not, in fact, a penguin, I decided to draw one instead.

It wasn't fully finished the way I wanted it to be, due to my busy week and unexpected filling malfunction, so I will give her the fully completed one when I'm done. In the meantime I did manage to do the line art and flat colour, which I hope she will enjoy until then!

Birthday Penguin says hello. Say hello to Birthday Penguin :D

Like I said, its all in flat colour, but I thought it came out pretty well, even for just that. Despite it's unfinished state, I hope that Dawn will enjoy the additional gift, with the promise of a nice completed one to come :)

One thing I will say though is 'Circles'. I never could get the hang of circles. Maybe its cause there's no edges to hold onto? :/

*Dodges thrown tomatoes*

Sorry, sorry, I had to! My jokes are terrible and I should feel ashamed.


Oh well!

So, until next time, everyone!


Monday 16 January 2017

Birthday Gift!

Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, its almost my sister's birthday and I unfortunately wont be able to attend her birthday event because I can't get off work from my day job, unfortunately. So, even though I already have a present for her, and will hopefully be able to arrange a small birthday hang out with her for a different day, I thought I'd make her a birthday pic! If I get it done in time, I might be able to get it as a birthday card if I can get it sorted out on the right website? Its a thought. If not, it could always be an e-card, right?

Dawn might be reading this herself, but hey, you don't know my main present yet! lol. But if you are reading, feel free to tell me your suggestions if you want anything changing on it, or any particular colours, I don't mind :)

So, the subject of what I want to do wasn't too hard for me to work out. My sister loves Penguins. Admittedly, they are very cute, so I have no problems drawing them for her. With the penguin idea in mind, I thought making said penguin look party-like would be good. So either cake or balloons or presents, party hats, that kind of thing. I tried doing a party popper, but I seemed to be on a bit of a fail where those were concerned. Shame though.

Either way, I messed around a bit and finally decided on the sketch I was happy with:

Yay my phone camera skills! They suck as usual. lol. Anyway, I decided to go with a more cartoony style for this. Not exactly a particular reason for it, other than it looks cute and It would work with bright, bold colours. It was also just nice to play around with styles a little bit again as well.

There is, of course, still a lot to work on, such as doing a digital version of it and I'm still thinking of a background. But I'm also looking to see if I can get the image on a card creating site, and that might not have as much flexibility in editing, or it might have tons, I'm not sure, but I'll be looking at my options on that and seeing what I should do.

If anyone has a good suggestions for card making websites though, let me know! It'd be a great help :)

So, this is my current mini project I'm working on alongside Dreamwalkers, so I do hope that all goes well. Wish me luck!

Until next time!


Monday 9 January 2017


Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Guess what I found recently? When I was sorting through some of my various stacks of drawings and doodles and old notes, I found one of the first comics that I made at University! I remember the assignment, and I also remember somewhat enjoying drawing it. Along with a twelve page comic (which, looking back on, wasn't overly good, for something which was supposed to be more light hearted in an effort to make 'Life and observations in Stoke-on-Trent to be more than just a list of background pictures), we were asked to make a 'One Cut Comic'. The reason it was called a one cut comic was in how the paper was folded to crease a 'book' with eight pages, which needed, as you can guess, one cut in the middle to help the folding process.

So, for the comic in this case, we had to draw out three words from three bags. One bag contained random locations, another would have random objects, and the last had different occupations. Drawing out one of each, we were asked to make a comic which contained those words in some way. We were also limited to about 25 written words that we could use, so not much speech was permitted.

The words I got were 'Hotel', 'Wrench' and 'Farmer'.

It....took me a while to think up some ideas of how to make at least a semi-coherent story in eight pages with minimal speech. But in the end, once I decided to do for a different feel from the light-hearted story that my twelve page had been, I ended up going for something a bit darker, to test myself outside of my 'comfort zone'.

At the time, I had never used any digital art. I didn't have Photoshop or Manga Studio or any other programs, nor did I have a tablet. So the whole comic was done purely by hand, with felt pens (I know, I wince thinking back on my horrible colour ideas, in comparison to my current work). But I do remember being somewhat proud....and scaring Nadia, who had never seen me draw anything other than cheerful things.

So, having found the only version of this that I actually have, with it being purely hand made, I decided to let you guys see, if only to see where I've come from, but also just to share the first comic that I had enjoyed doing the most out of side projects in my first University year.

Please forgive my rather bad photography skills! And my somewhat terrible colouring skills. Please note that before university, I hadn't done art in high school and any art skills I had were all self taught. There was no true back page to this story. I should have put an 'end' somewhere, possibly. Maybe one day I'll do a digital version of it, with better colouring skills and with a better 'end card', if nothing else.

Not sure how coherent the story is to anyone else, outside my own head, but what I was aiming for was that a farmer and his wife broke down in the middle of nowhere with only a nearby hotel to help them. The wife nags at the farmer to fix the tractor, and books a room for the night. The farmer, seeing the wrench, gets a murderous urge and sneaks into the hotel, bludgeoning the wife to death with the wrench. Of course, this ends up being only a figment of the famer's imagination. He is instead woken by the wife, returning to find the farmer sleeping, and nags him further. Recalling the dream, the Farmer grins.

I had hoped to leave it open ended, so you can decide if he is just smirking at the dream, which 'cheered him', or if he was actually going to go through with what happened in the dream.

What do you guys think? I know for me, it's certainly interesting to look at some of my older work, anyway! Still, I do hope you guys enjoyed looking at a small relic of my past :)

Until next time!


Monday 2 January 2017

Happy (Belated) New Year!

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

And also, while slightly belated, a very Happy New Year to you all!

So, 2016 has come and gone, and we're now taking our first tentative steps into 2017. So, in order to celebrate the tremendous occasion....we'll look back at 2016 instead. lol. But really, what a year it's been. In all honesty, it's been a bit of a mixed bag for many people, but there has been some good in the year. After all, it was this past year that I graduated from Staffordshire University with a First to my name, after all, not to mention the first chapter of Dreamwalkers was completed as well. And the biggest happiness to 2016 for me was the birth of my baby niece, Tabitha. In light of all those little bits of Happiness, I can't truly look badly on 2016, even though there were a lot of changes that happened over the year otherwise - though how those will turn out will remain to be seen.

Still, I tend to try to look at things optimistically, so let's at least give the new year a chance, right?

So, with the quick look back out of the way, where will we be going from here onwards?

Well, there are a few things coming up. Firstly, Conventions. Like last year, Nadia and I will be attending conventions, where our comics will be available for sale, along with merch and commissions being available. I'll be keeping my eye out for more for later in the year as well. We're hoping to attend at least five, though that will, of course, depend on funding and print costs.

I'm also considering making a red bubble account. For those of you who don't know, red bubble is a site where you can have designs you made printed onto things like T-Shirts and the like, which can be bought online. If I do make the account, I'll be sure to link you guys in, as the money will all be to help better publish the comics :) And hopefully, because you'll like the designs I've made as well, of course.

On the Tanra Studio side of things, Nadia will also be running our YouTube Channel, where we'll be making short skits, tips and tricks videos and even comic trailers. Of course, we're both still new to animation (other than a brief practice stint of animation we did for a term at Uni), but we do hope you'll enjoy our wackiness anyway.

And finally, of course, I'll be working hard to do more towards Dreamwalkers, as well as many other art based projects for you all to enjoy, so I hope you'll all follow me through this year as well!

Thank you all so much for your support so far, and I hope I continue to enjoy it in the future, too!

Until next time!
