Monday 24 April 2017

Comic Con Ahoy!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I'll be taking a break from the usual dream and nightmare mythology for this week to let you guys know about an upcoming event! So, here I am to let you know that this coming weekend, I, as part of TanraStudios, will be at another con! This one is the Birmingham Comic Con on the 29th of April!

Our comics, which also includes Dreamwalkers, will be on sale at the convention, along with prints and we'll also be offering commissions as well to anyone interested. As usual, our popular Luck Dip will also be available, allowing people to win anything from chocolate, to one of our comics for only a pound a play!

I'm pretty excited for it, to be honest!

Either way, if you're attending the event, please keep an eye out for us! We'd love to see you. You'll be able to find us at the event here:

I'll also be live tweeting from the event, too, so be sure to keep your eyes open for those! I could be commenting on anything from Stall events to cool cosplays to food related stuff or even just random doodles that me and Nadia might be doing throughout the day. Hopefully you'll enjoy our messages. I'll also be commenting on my summery of the event on my next blog post as well, so if you've never been to Birmingham Comic Con before, you might be interested in seeing what its about.
If you're in the Birmingham area in general, you might see us around on the day before and the day after the event, too. I'll admit that I've only been to Birmingham maybe.....once or twice in my life? So we're hoping to make a good trip of it. You're all welcome to come say hi if any of you see us around. I know I'm looking forwards to seeing Birmingham as well as the con!

Hoping to see you all there!

'Til next time!


Monday 17 April 2017

Nightmare Facts

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! I know that this past week, including the Easter Weekend, when I wasn't working at my job, I spend most of my time doing more interesting searches on dreams and nightmares that would both help in my portrayals in Dreamwalkers and purely for interest in the topic - its amazing the kind of things you can learn about dreams and that's not even including some of the stuff we've already looked into! During my search, I came across this pretty cool video on YouTube which was actually pretty relevant to my research, too, and gave a few interesting facts, too, some I've mentioned in passing and others that were pretty new to me as well.

As such, I thought I'd share the video with you guys. The video, of course, is not mine, so all credit goes to Alltime10s on YouTube. Give his video a like if you enjoy it, and give him some support :) I know I have! He's even got a few other dream related videos, too, and many other really interesting vids, so check him out :) I left a link to his YouTube channel if you click on his name.

For now, though, lets have a look at his Top 10 Horrifying Facts About Nightmares

I hope you enjoy! I know its certainly helped give me lots of interesting things to look into more, too :) Definitely a good point to start research into nightmares.

I'll certainly be looking up more interesting videos, facts and mythologies surrounding dreams and nightmares, too. I am also starting on a new tattoo project for a client, too, so hopefully I'll have some more in depth stuff to show to you guys for next time.

Until next time!


Monday 10 April 2017

Dream Meaning Crash Course

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, for a little while, I've been covering creatures in mythology that effect sleep ir dreams in some way, shape or form. Today, I thought I'd take a break from that to revisit a topic I very briefly covered earlier on. When I say briefly, it was....well, pretty darn brief. So, today, I'm going to cover what some things in dreams might actually mean. Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, depending on what is present in dreams, and to cover every single meaning could take a while. However, I thought today I would cover ten different things that might show up in dreams and their meanings. I'll be sure to cover more another time, though, especially if this does interest anyone :)

So, here's a list of ten different dream meanings:

1) Teeth Falling Out: It is thought that, if you ever dream of teeth falling out, it is likely that you are anxious how others perceive your physical appearance in real life, and, how they might judge you on that physical appearance. There are also other things it could symbolise, such as a feeling of helplessness or loss. This dream is seen a little more in women than men.

2) Dirty Water: If you dream of dirty water, it is thought that this may actually be a signal from the unconscious mind that there is something wrong or unhealthy with the dreamer - a warning system, perhaps, to alert the dreamer of the dreamer not being at full health, perhaps?

3) Storms: Much like the event bringing its own brand of chaos in real life, it is thought that, if you dream of storms, a part of you feels as if you aren't in control, or that you're being strung along by events you can't influence. Perhaps a feeling of helplessness, maybe?

4) Chocolate: If you dream of chocolate, there is two ways you could interpret this: Either you feel you should be rewarded for something and deserve some form of special treatment.....or you've just been indulging in way too much of the stuff! lol. Well, not exactly being too indulgent in just chocolate, as funny as this interpretation could be, but rather just excessive indulgence in anything. The Chocolate here is just a subtle hint to, perhaps, practicing restraint.

5) Missing Big Events: If you dream of something like this, for example missing out on an important date, or a big event, it could mean that you're feeling anxious about failing something. Or, perhaps, just anxious about the event itself. Missing it entirely would certainly be failing at something important, wouldn't you say?

6) A House: If you dream of a house, it often symbolises a person's actual body. If you have such a dream and the house you see is a mansion, you may have an exaggerated sense of self, or at least have a rich sense of self. It could also represent one's future potential, too.

7) Drowning: As sort of stated in the dirty water dreams, dreaming of large bodies of water symbolises the unconscious - I guess this is why the dirty water can be the unconsciousness giving a warning. Dreaming of drowning can symbolise feeling overwhelmed, especially by unconsciously suppressed issues. There is also a slightly lighter symbolism too, that you have moved to a new stage of your development and what is drowning and 'dying' is the old self, instead.

8) Naked Dreams: A commonly used dream in some shows, often played for laughs, dreaming of being naked suggests exposure of oneself to other people, though not in a physical sense, but rather in a vulnerable way. It could also be caused by feelings of shame. On a slightly different note, it could symbolise a desire for freedom, or perhaps feeling unencumbered (from responsibility, maybe?)

9) Feet: People can sometimes react oddly to feet in general. It seems similarly the case in dreams, too. Feet can have all kinds of odd interpretations, such as freedom and mobility, a foundation in something, all the way up to things like sex or humiliation. I imagine that, to get a true understanding of why feet are prominent in a dream, you'd need to compare it to other things appearing within the dream. That way you could probably find the truest interpretation.

10) Forests: Forests are similar to large amounts of water in dreams in that they can also symbolise the unconscious mind. So if you ever find yourself wandering a forest in a dream, you may be exploring the unconscious realm, or you are finding comfort within your mind's refuge from the demands of your daily life.

Of course, this barely scratches the surface of things that could be in your dream and how they are interpreted. Indeed, even what I mentioned could just be a very quick peek, as I'm sure there are much, much more detailed reasoning for why you may dream any of these and the exact meanings for them in certain contexts. Still, I do hope that you have found some interest in this. I hope to bring some more interesting dream meanings to the table in the future, too, maybe with more details as well. So, if you've enjoyed reading about this, let me know! It'll be a big help :)

Until next time!


Monday 3 April 2017

Dream Mythology: Dab Tsuam

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

So, last few weeks we looked at mythology in dreams where the item or creature mentioned was actually benevolent towards humans. This time, we'll be looking at a mythology which had a lot of influence towards Dreamwalkers, or, more specifically, in the Oneiros themselves. As with many dream myths, there was usually an actual sleep based phenomenon that it was used to explain, similar to how the Mare were thought to have been a cause of Sleep Paralysis. This one goes a step further, not just paralysing the victim temporarily, but rather causing outright death.

In 1977, there was the first noted case of unexpected and, at the time, unexplained, death during sleep, among the Hmong refugees in the US. It was noted again between 1982 and 1990, when 230 otherwise healthy Thai men all died in their sleep of unexpected causes. Pretty scary, to think that someone could just die in their sleep for seemingly no reason at all, right? Indeed, what is now known as 'Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome', or 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' (Shortened to SADS), 'Sudden Unexpected/Unexplained Death Syndrome' (SUDS) or 'Sudden Unexpected/Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUNDS), actually inspired several things, such as the film Nightmare on Elm Street and also brought about the belief amongst the Hmong in the supernatural creature Dab Tsuam (Pronounced 'Dab Cho').

Dab Tsuam is the one that we'll be looking at today, however. Unlike Nightmare on Elm Street, this one certainly hits the mythology status.

So, who, or what, is Dab Tsuam?

The mythology states that Dab Tsuam is a hideous, hag like woman, who, similar to the Mare, would sit on the chest of the victims. Unlike the Mare, however, she would stay there on the victims chest until they could not breath and would die as a result.

Its now known that the cause is a genetically irregular heartbeat that is difficult to detect or could have been missed entirely, which lead to the deaths. But it seems the saying of one being 'scared to death' could indeed have some fact. The belief in Dab Tsuam was so strong, that it is thought that it caused people night terrors about the woman, which, in turn, put strain on the heart and exacerbate the underlying heart issue, resulting in the end deaths, seemingly without any explanation, during their sleep.

Its hardly surprising that a Nightmare on Elm Street might have some basis here.

I do suggest reading up about SADS though. It's definitely an interesting read. Not to mention pretty scary to think about since there' only really one effective treatment method, too.

There are other mythologies which have similar beings to Dab Tsuam. These include Bei Gui Ya in China, Dutch mythology's Nachtmerrie and Philippian folklore's Batibat or Bangungot.

Still, it is certainly interesting that there are dream myths that are linked to thinks that have happened in fairly recent history.

Until next time!
