Monday 10 April 2017

Dream Meaning Crash Course

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, for a little while, I've been covering creatures in mythology that effect sleep ir dreams in some way, shape or form. Today, I thought I'd take a break from that to revisit a topic I very briefly covered earlier on. When I say briefly, it was....well, pretty darn brief. So, today, I'm going to cover what some things in dreams might actually mean. Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, depending on what is present in dreams, and to cover every single meaning could take a while. However, I thought today I would cover ten different things that might show up in dreams and their meanings. I'll be sure to cover more another time, though, especially if this does interest anyone :)

So, here's a list of ten different dream meanings:

1) Teeth Falling Out: It is thought that, if you ever dream of teeth falling out, it is likely that you are anxious how others perceive your physical appearance in real life, and, how they might judge you on that physical appearance. There are also other things it could symbolise, such as a feeling of helplessness or loss. This dream is seen a little more in women than men.

2) Dirty Water: If you dream of dirty water, it is thought that this may actually be a signal from the unconscious mind that there is something wrong or unhealthy with the dreamer - a warning system, perhaps, to alert the dreamer of the dreamer not being at full health, perhaps?

3) Storms: Much like the event bringing its own brand of chaos in real life, it is thought that, if you dream of storms, a part of you feels as if you aren't in control, or that you're being strung along by events you can't influence. Perhaps a feeling of helplessness, maybe?

4) Chocolate: If you dream of chocolate, there is two ways you could interpret this: Either you feel you should be rewarded for something and deserve some form of special treatment.....or you've just been indulging in way too much of the stuff! lol. Well, not exactly being too indulgent in just chocolate, as funny as this interpretation could be, but rather just excessive indulgence in anything. The Chocolate here is just a subtle hint to, perhaps, practicing restraint.

5) Missing Big Events: If you dream of something like this, for example missing out on an important date, or a big event, it could mean that you're feeling anxious about failing something. Or, perhaps, just anxious about the event itself. Missing it entirely would certainly be failing at something important, wouldn't you say?

6) A House: If you dream of a house, it often symbolises a person's actual body. If you have such a dream and the house you see is a mansion, you may have an exaggerated sense of self, or at least have a rich sense of self. It could also represent one's future potential, too.

7) Drowning: As sort of stated in the dirty water dreams, dreaming of large bodies of water symbolises the unconscious - I guess this is why the dirty water can be the unconsciousness giving a warning. Dreaming of drowning can symbolise feeling overwhelmed, especially by unconsciously suppressed issues. There is also a slightly lighter symbolism too, that you have moved to a new stage of your development and what is drowning and 'dying' is the old self, instead.

8) Naked Dreams: A commonly used dream in some shows, often played for laughs, dreaming of being naked suggests exposure of oneself to other people, though not in a physical sense, but rather in a vulnerable way. It could also be caused by feelings of shame. On a slightly different note, it could symbolise a desire for freedom, or perhaps feeling unencumbered (from responsibility, maybe?)

9) Feet: People can sometimes react oddly to feet in general. It seems similarly the case in dreams, too. Feet can have all kinds of odd interpretations, such as freedom and mobility, a foundation in something, all the way up to things like sex or humiliation. I imagine that, to get a true understanding of why feet are prominent in a dream, you'd need to compare it to other things appearing within the dream. That way you could probably find the truest interpretation.

10) Forests: Forests are similar to large amounts of water in dreams in that they can also symbolise the unconscious mind. So if you ever find yourself wandering a forest in a dream, you may be exploring the unconscious realm, or you are finding comfort within your mind's refuge from the demands of your daily life.

Of course, this barely scratches the surface of things that could be in your dream and how they are interpreted. Indeed, even what I mentioned could just be a very quick peek, as I'm sure there are much, much more detailed reasoning for why you may dream any of these and the exact meanings for them in certain contexts. Still, I do hope that you have found some interest in this. I hope to bring some more interesting dream meanings to the table in the future, too, maybe with more details as well. So, if you've enjoyed reading about this, let me know! It'll be a big help :)

Until next time!


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