Monday 25 September 2017

Attack on Tech 2!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I've been having technical problems again for almost a week now (I'm beginning to think technology hates me and I somehow offended the matrix or some other computer based overlord somehow. So, you may (or may not) be wondering what my technological issues were this time around. Thankfully it wasn't quite the fiasco that was the so called IT help deleting important information, but it still has been a little on the annoying side.

Firstly, the main issue I've had (Which is why this is more of an update post than a 'What I've been up to' type) was with the internet Wi-Fi. Or rather with the broadband provider itself. Apparently, from what we discovered after sitting on hold for nearly an hour was that there was problems on the providers area, which was effecting the internet of everyone using that particular broadband type in the area. If it wasn't being ridiculously slow, it cut out, or it just stopped all together. Because of this I'm only able to use pictures already used in previous blog posts (hence me still having my logo on the top and bottom as usual) otherwise I'd either be sitting here for hours on end, have things time out or it just wont load at all.

Yay for typing this out on Word before posting it up here to lower my time on the page and hopefully have less of a posting issue)

Other tech problems came in the form of things running out, such as my antivirus, which was a pain to renew etc when there was the internet issues, making it take far longer than it needed to. Thankfully, I got it reinstalled (eventually) but that did eat up a lot of my time as well.

Lastly was having various programs run out and need renewing for me to continue using them. I must have had them all installed almost at the same time for everything to have started running out on me like that.

But long story short, having no internet for almost a week really does go to show how much we really do use it for many important things, honestly. Its a good job that it should be back to normal soon, though, and hopefully I can actually show you guys some interesting art in my next post, rather than trying to explain my technical issues.

Way first world problems, am I right?

On a slightly different note, if you've been keeping up to date with the TanraStudios blog, you'll see we have limited stock on the Pandora books if anyone is interested. I've retweeted the post onto my twitter as well, if anyone is interested (My twitter is @chosha_kurenai if anyone wants to check it out). On a similar note, chapter one of Dreamwalkers is also on a limited stock as well at £8/$12 plus additional P&P if anyone is interested in gabbing one of the last few copies! Just send me a tweet, reply to this blog or drop me a email on for more details. Even if my internet has been a little shoddy this past week, my phone, at least, lets me keep an eye on my social media, so there is no worries!

For now though, that's all from me,

Until next time!


Monday 18 September 2017

Masamune! Attempt One!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, I've been working on another character idea and having a little experiment with a full body character that isn't just standing up in various poses. The character himself is one I've been thinking about for a while, but has no real set colour schemes just yet, so pretty much everything with the character is experimental. This is just the first choice in design.

So, the character - what is it?

Well, I like to sometimes get inspiration from legends and such - my work on Dreamwalkers and Susanoo probably being a bit of a clue there, not to mention previous character designs like Nogitsune. So this character is actually based off the Japanese legend of Tsukumogami. A Tsukumogami is an object that, after a long period of time (about 100 years) gains its own sentience, essentially becoming a type of spirit. The one for this character specifically, is if a sword had gained sentience and became a spirit - admittedly one with a human form.

The character himself, which I named Masamune, I had several ideas of in terms of appearance, as mentioned, the main differences in my ideas being the type of sword he is based on and his clothing. So there will possibly be other design ideas of him in the future, with the final version becoming the fully finished product, including shading work. This is a work in progress, so hopefully it won't be judged to harshly, at least not yet.

So, of course, I began with the sketch work:

So with this sketch, the man parts that I was considering were the parts that would link the character to a sword. This sketch was pretty rough in places - one of his feet in the next version gets adjusted so his leg doesn't look quite so broken, but the sword parts, of course, were the blade arm and the wrappings, which, when they have more detail, resemble the hilt of a Japanese sword. The blade itself...originally the idea was some form of katana, but with a much thicker blade - likely closer in idea to a thickened Zanbato - a type of blade from the Heian period in japan that was used against cavalry. I believe blades like the Buster Sword from Final Fantasy 7 were probably based around that sword type, if I were to guess. A thinner blade probably would sword, but for this design it might not have blended into the arm. Of course, that isn't to say I wont give it a try n one of the designed versions, of course.

I then made a slightly more refined sketch to add in the details a little more that I missed on this initial sketch:

Apologies on this one being a little on the faint side. This is mostly because it was used in the base sketch and I somehow accidentally made it only come out faint. I'm not sure how. Yay my technical difficulties! Lol. Either way, you might be able to see that I adjusted the foot position a little for the sake of perspective, and I also put some details into the hair and leg wrappings.

As for the flat colour version.....I'm a bit unsure about the colouring at the moment. Due to the location the character lived in, I originally gave the character sandy or earth coloured clothing, though it has made him a tad washed out. I'm already considering different colours for him, to go with the 'metal' idea, at least for hair and eyes. But considering I'm currently going through a design process with the character and I'm not yet at the final design for him, I'll show you what I have so far:

As you can tell, the sandy, ever so slight rose pinkish hair doesn't really work, making him look fairly washed out. There is also bits of green in there, as I was considering maybe a green colour for the clothing in one of my next tests, along with the idea for silvery coloured hair and eyes to go with the metallic feel.

So, anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm always happy to hear what people have to say :)

Until next time!


Monday 11 September 2017

Sir Sketchalot

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

So, I've been feeling in the mood to just do some good old sketching recently. Digital stuff is all well and good, but sometimes you just feel like having a bit of a doodle, so to speak. Admittedly, half the time I 'doodle' tends to be with a pen and hoping to god I don't make a mistake, because I'm a prat and forgot to go fetch my pencil. But I suppose it comes from my early days of doodles when they lived in the corner of school work books. But hey, if nothing else, it does help you to be very careful not to screw up as best as you can, because unless you have those special pens with ink specific erasers (I used to have one of those a long time ago, I'll admit), you can't get rid of a pen mistake.

Ah, digital art certainly spoils you when a simple back space can ensure no accidental ripped pages or smudge marks, huh?

So, considering I had been indulging in my Undertale-ness last time with my Sans pic, I decided to do a few Undertale sketches, two of which might even make for interesting little icon/avatars if I decided to digitalise them - a distinct possibility at some point.

So, this is what I ended up with!

Strangely, I think my version of Alphys ended up far more adorable than I was intending, but I'll admit that I did enjoy sketching these three. As you could probably guess, Napstablook was probably the easiest to draw - not exactly surprising since, despite his cuteness, his design is pretty simple. Meanwhile the most difficult was probably Toriel (and I realised I misspelt her name on the pic only after I wrote it because I'm a bit of an idiot *hides from Undertale fans*) because drawing her snout from the front view is a little more awkward than side view. Considering that was probably the first time I've ever actually drawn Alphys or Toriel, however, I was kinda proud, honestly.

Along with my Undertale sketches, I also started a base sketch, digitally, for a potential icon/avatar, or just a lose up pic of an Inkling from Splatoon as well. It's still pretty rough at the moment, since I'm trying to work out where the best splat layouts should be, and its still at the rough sketch phase, but if it all turns out well, it could make for an interesting picture when finished.

Depending on how it goes, the Inkling should be in the 'Agent' uniform, though it'll be interesting seeing if I can manage those interesting ear pieces when I actually get to the...Uh....literal inking phase. (It is so hard not to end up with a list of ink puns here. lol). I do get an 'inkling', however, that it should be fun to do :)

Until next time!


Monday 4 September 2017

Here's a Skelepun for Lost Time!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So.....sorry for missing last week. I'll admit that I ended up being far more busy with my day job that I actually had very little time to actually work on images, coupled with doing some practice writing for personal projects further down the line. And the bits I did do I unfortunately can't show for the moment, at least until the projects are done and the clients happy with the final products. So, once again, a massive apology for missing a blog post!

This week, though, I have done a picture that I can show! It's unfinished, I thought you guys might be interested to see it anyway.

While, admittedly, not as right-here-right-now as some fan arty stuff is, I have to admit that Undertale is still one of my favourite games and, probably like much of the internet, Sans does happen to be one of my favourite characters. Most of it stemming from the fact we are both Punsters! I likely don't show it as much in my writing skills, but I do love puns myself, personally, and have often driven my friend Nadia nuts with them, be they accidental or because I was actually trying. But, of course, there are many other reasons as well.

And no, I do not want to bone the skeleton. lol

Draw him, on the other hand, that I am happy to do. :)

This time, rather than attempting to do it in my experimental style, however, I decided to see how my version of Sans would look in the way I usually draw.

I decided to do a pen sketch for this one, rather than on the computer. I will admit, it was a bit 'spur of the moment', but, as I mentioned before, it's always good to keep my hand in, so to speak. The sketch came out like this (also, sorry for the bad photograph. You could say I'm.....sans photography skill? lol):

As you can tell from the fact this was a lined pad (I had been writing notes at the time) it was definitely very spur of the moment. Still, I was pretty happy with how the sketch came out and I really wanted to give it a go digitally. The funny thing is, I also thought that, if I wanted to put a background in it, I could switch and change it, depending on how I feel as well. After all, Sans' expression, other than his eyes, doesn't really outwardly change that much. But that is another project to experiment with for another time.

Instead, for now, I decided to go with just making a digital version of his character. And so.....tada!

Unfortunately, no light and shadow just yet, but I'll admit, I'm liking how it is coming out so far. I'll admit that his coat amused me a little, because I had drawn Rem wearing something similar some time ago. I was also a little unsure with the slipper colours. Most people had drawn him wearing pink slippers before, likely to go with the whole 'Who cares' aspect of his character, but I've also seen them done in blue as well. But, when I did them in blue and grey, it made them look.....too flat? Or rather, the character seemed slightly off in this rendition, so pink he got. 

Other than maybe making his top a bit longer, I was actually fairly pleased in how he came out. What do you think? Pun-ny for your thoughts. lol

My bad attempts at written puns aside, I hope you like it. Also, do you all think it might be interesting for me to draw the full cast at some point in my style? I'm open for suggestions!

Until next time!
