Monday 25 September 2017

Attack on Tech 2!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I've been having technical problems again for almost a week now (I'm beginning to think technology hates me and I somehow offended the matrix or some other computer based overlord somehow. So, you may (or may not) be wondering what my technological issues were this time around. Thankfully it wasn't quite the fiasco that was the so called IT help deleting important information, but it still has been a little on the annoying side.

Firstly, the main issue I've had (Which is why this is more of an update post than a 'What I've been up to' type) was with the internet Wi-Fi. Or rather with the broadband provider itself. Apparently, from what we discovered after sitting on hold for nearly an hour was that there was problems on the providers area, which was effecting the internet of everyone using that particular broadband type in the area. If it wasn't being ridiculously slow, it cut out, or it just stopped all together. Because of this I'm only able to use pictures already used in previous blog posts (hence me still having my logo on the top and bottom as usual) otherwise I'd either be sitting here for hours on end, have things time out or it just wont load at all.

Yay for typing this out on Word before posting it up here to lower my time on the page and hopefully have less of a posting issue)

Other tech problems came in the form of things running out, such as my antivirus, which was a pain to renew etc when there was the internet issues, making it take far longer than it needed to. Thankfully, I got it reinstalled (eventually) but that did eat up a lot of my time as well.

Lastly was having various programs run out and need renewing for me to continue using them. I must have had them all installed almost at the same time for everything to have started running out on me like that.

But long story short, having no internet for almost a week really does go to show how much we really do use it for many important things, honestly. Its a good job that it should be back to normal soon, though, and hopefully I can actually show you guys some interesting art in my next post, rather than trying to explain my technical issues.

Way first world problems, am I right?

On a slightly different note, if you've been keeping up to date with the TanraStudios blog, you'll see we have limited stock on the Pandora books if anyone is interested. I've retweeted the post onto my twitter as well, if anyone is interested (My twitter is @chosha_kurenai if anyone wants to check it out). On a similar note, chapter one of Dreamwalkers is also on a limited stock as well at £8/$12 plus additional P&P if anyone is interested in gabbing one of the last few copies! Just send me a tweet, reply to this blog or drop me a email on for more details. Even if my internet has been a little shoddy this past week, my phone, at least, lets me keep an eye on my social media, so there is no worries!

For now though, that's all from me,

Until next time!


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