Monday 2 October 2017

Character Concept!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

With my computer now back in working order again (here's hoping that nothing else will happen for a while, assuming I'm not jinxing myself), I thought I'd get around to showing you guys a couple of things I've been up to since you last heard from me. Though firstly, I'm considering doing a few Halloween based characters for this month. One idea I'm considering is my mascot in Halloween 'dress'. For whatever reason - likely due to other projects taking place at that time, I had never actually done one for Halloween. A good a time as any to rectify that, don't you think? Beyond that, this October I'm hoping to at least have a few within the theme. Whether or not I manage remains to be seen, of course.

But, since it is 'Inktober', so to speak, I think even if I don't manage the full 'Halloween' feel, at least I'll be doing my bit! :D

That in mind, admittedly those will be coming up in the following weeks. For now, though, I'll at least show you a few things I've been working on. Firstly, I've done a little more to that angel picture I was working on a while back. Admittedly, the wings of said picture aren't the final ones just yet. For the most part, I was experimenting with them to see how much I need to work on them, which is why they look a little on the rough size. Not to mention that I would need to consider the bends of the wings in comparison to where they would be on a human body. As it is, I'm not at the moment happy with those. Still, it was good to at least attempts, if only to see where I might have gone wrong. But it has been a while since I last showed you an update to that low priority project, so here it is:

Beyond the wings, as you can tell there is still much to do to prevent the blocky, segmented feel to it, but it is slowly starting to take some kind of form.

Beyond that, the concept that I was working on was for a character who uses their hair as a weapon. As such I've been getting a bit of practice in with drawing a character with.....uh.....very long hair. lol. Not Rapunzel levels, but long. At the moment this is only a standing character concept, however, so the hair has not yet been shown in an 'active' state. 

This is what I came up with in the smooth sketch that is being used as a base for the rest of the character:

I admit that I do enjoy drawing hair when I get into the idea of doing it, and have been trying to dive it a bit more in terms of the style around the bangs, since I tend to favour the type that would usually cover the forehead in some manner. My main concerns is that the hands might not be quite in proportion, however. Besides that, I think the sketch came out quite well and began to work on the rest of the image.

Admittedly, I usually would draw the line art, then add the colour. With this one, however, due to the hair, I ended up focusing on doing both at the same time so that I could concentrate on the hair in sections to be sure that it works in the final version. Admittedly, this isn't quite finished just yet (I have the inner sections of the hair to work on) but this is what I have so far!

Much like with images such as Nogitsune, who's hair is also fairly long, I was hoping to do the sections in a way to make them feel a little more natural in terms of hair, since there's no hair that is just straight one colour - there's always lower and higher lights in them. As such, I was hoping to do something similar here, minus the lighting that would be added when the toning process happens. It seems to be working so far to give it a little more depth, so I shall continue on that track for now.

There is still much to do, but at the very least, it seems I have made a good start.

Though this may be put a little on hold for the Halloween stuff I'm hoping to do this month, so we will come back to this another day :)

Until next time!


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