Monday 30 October 2017

Little Straight-Jacket Devil

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

Well, I'll admit that this week, rather than working on much of my own plans, or doing freelance work, my body decided to instead be mean to me and I've spent most of this week battling with flu. Yay me! While I'm used to getting colds now and then, flu was definitely a different kettle of fish, let me tell you. While I'm recovering somewhat now, I've still been tiring very quickly. It's my hope that I'm over the worst anyway, because believe me, I'm getting sick and tired of being....well, sick and tired. lol.

Perhaps, rather than looking at my art work, I should do a post purely dedicated to cold and flu symptom treatments since that's literally all that got me through this week. But I digress.

I did manage to do a bit of work towards the sketch that I showed last time, though I am currently working on deciding what colours might work for the character. My first colour attempts made the character very grey scale. On the one hand, this could work for me if I wanted to go for that kind of feeling to it (and there are times when grey scale really does work with art styles!) but it did also make the character a little washed out. It could, however, work if I go back to the slightly different art style I had for the character (I'll go through my various designs for him next time)

For this time, however, I wanted to see if I could add at least a little colour to him. So far, this is one that made him the least washed out without taking away from the straight-jacket theme, though I will show a few other versions another time if I move away from a white coloured jacket to something more 'tan'.

The little 'wing' thing was mostly just me playing around rather than an actual 'wing' for the character. (He does actually have wings, just less cartoony. I'm still partly deciding if I wanted to go for feathers or bat like for him as both could work in terms of story and aesthetically. Originally he was also going to be paler skinned, but it made him look somewhat washed out.

Another colour idea I'm toying with is to reverse the colours somewhat, giving him a dark coloured outfit with pale belts and straps, which could also work, though it might take away from the straight jacket feel to the outfit. It is a thought, however. If that was the case it might give me a little more room to play, colour wise.

Of course, if anyone has any suggestions, I'll be happy to hear them!

I'm sorry that this isn't a particularly long one this time. I'll be doing my best to get back to good health again! Hopefully if I do, I'll be able to actually do some better quality art for you all. For now, back to dosing myself up with cold and flu medicines and drinking lots of water and herbal teas!

Until next time!


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