Monday 4 September 2017

Here's a Skelepun for Lost Time!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So.....sorry for missing last week. I'll admit that I ended up being far more busy with my day job that I actually had very little time to actually work on images, coupled with doing some practice writing for personal projects further down the line. And the bits I did do I unfortunately can't show for the moment, at least until the projects are done and the clients happy with the final products. So, once again, a massive apology for missing a blog post!

This week, though, I have done a picture that I can show! It's unfinished, I thought you guys might be interested to see it anyway.

While, admittedly, not as right-here-right-now as some fan arty stuff is, I have to admit that Undertale is still one of my favourite games and, probably like much of the internet, Sans does happen to be one of my favourite characters. Most of it stemming from the fact we are both Punsters! I likely don't show it as much in my writing skills, but I do love puns myself, personally, and have often driven my friend Nadia nuts with them, be they accidental or because I was actually trying. But, of course, there are many other reasons as well.

And no, I do not want to bone the skeleton. lol

Draw him, on the other hand, that I am happy to do. :)

This time, rather than attempting to do it in my experimental style, however, I decided to see how my version of Sans would look in the way I usually draw.

I decided to do a pen sketch for this one, rather than on the computer. I will admit, it was a bit 'spur of the moment', but, as I mentioned before, it's always good to keep my hand in, so to speak. The sketch came out like this (also, sorry for the bad photograph. You could say I'm.....sans photography skill? lol):

As you can tell from the fact this was a lined pad (I had been writing notes at the time) it was definitely very spur of the moment. Still, I was pretty happy with how the sketch came out and I really wanted to give it a go digitally. The funny thing is, I also thought that, if I wanted to put a background in it, I could switch and change it, depending on how I feel as well. After all, Sans' expression, other than his eyes, doesn't really outwardly change that much. But that is another project to experiment with for another time.

Instead, for now, I decided to go with just making a digital version of his character. And so.....tada!

Unfortunately, no light and shadow just yet, but I'll admit, I'm liking how it is coming out so far. I'll admit that his coat amused me a little, because I had drawn Rem wearing something similar some time ago. I was also a little unsure with the slipper colours. Most people had drawn him wearing pink slippers before, likely to go with the whole 'Who cares' aspect of his character, but I've also seen them done in blue as well. But, when I did them in blue and grey, it made them look.....too flat? Or rather, the character seemed slightly off in this rendition, so pink he got. 

Other than maybe making his top a bit longer, I was actually fairly pleased in how he came out. What do you think? Pun-ny for your thoughts. lol

My bad attempts at written puns aside, I hope you like it. Also, do you all think it might be interesting for me to draw the full cast at some point in my style? I'm open for suggestions!

Until next time!


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