Monday 11 June 2018

Badges In Progress!

Hey Everyone! Welcome back!

Last time I showed you guy the seven badge ideas that I came up with that would be related to Tanra Studios. While I'll probebly end up doing full versions of all of them eventually, if only to use later, I have done some progress on two of them. They're not complete, of course, and a lot of tweaking will be needed, but I thought I'd at least give you an update on how things are going.

So first of all, one of the badges I was looking at was the Oneiros skull idea. I was thinking of doing it in a silhouette/icon-esque manner, though I'll admit I'm a little uncertain on colours at the moment. This one is the  one mist subject to change on design. This first version I went for was a more uniformed, almost symmetrical design, though I did have other ideas for one that utilises the initial sketch a little more, making it look more melted and disjointed, thus less symmetrical. That one is one I'll likely play with next, however. Along with being a bit unsure on its final design, I'm also currently a little unsure on colours, thus this version is very much in progress/ experimental stage. Still, what I have so far, unfinished as it is, is this:
The markings on the badge design are to help me work out what will be where. The smallest circle is the 'safe zone' where any design inside will definitely be on the badge. the middle circle is where the badge might bend over to curl around to the back and the dotted circle is where anything might be cut. While experimenting, I was only messing with colour to the middle circle, though. When finalised, I'd do it to the dotted line. 

While I like some aspects of the design, it currently doesn't stand out much. So if I continued with it, I'd need to make the silhouette pop a bit more, either by giving the design light and shading, or by messing with the background. I have some other thoughts as well for the design, such as slash markings similar to some from the comic, however, as said, this is one that needs a lot more work and experimenting on to get it right.

The next one was the chibi version of Somnus. With that one, his colours mostly match those from his initial design, though I'm still contemplating shirt colours. The main problem is that Somnus, as a character, favours blacks, greys and purples, so again, the background might need a bit of work, either by going for an opposing colour, or maybe doing that glittery design from a print idea. Either way, note that the current background colour is not likely to be in its final version - that will be my main experiment for that one.

For now, though, this is what I've done:

Apologies if the picture is a tad blurred for the blog. As you can see, I was working on this to the edges, as I am supposed to be. lol. As you can tell compared to my initial design, its not full body any longer, but rather a closer image. This is because full version would have made him ridiculously small on the badge. While flats are done, minus making the colour stand out a bit more, you may notice the two white 'balls' - the one hovering over his hand, and the one on the staff. There are currently uncoloured, with the white as placeholders, since these are to have mixed, swirling-like colours and will give off some light of their own. So for now, I just needed to be sure I knew where each part world be when I get around to working on them without disrupting line art or pulling on the original sketch too much. It also helps in arranging the placement of the character, as that might also change slightly if I feel it needs shifting, enlarging, etc.

Still, with what I have so far, what do you guys think? Comment below and let me know! :)

Until next time!


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