Monday 25 June 2018

Sketching Character Practice!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

First of all, World cup is still going on, so I've still got a lot of work at the bar, especially since it looks like England's qualified for the next round of the 'Cup after their 6-1 win, with the last of the matches (Against Belgium) to decide where they'll be sitting in match ups - at least as far as I can tell. I'll admit, I'm usually working during matches rather than watching them, so I could be wrong outside of the score and the next match up. lol.

That isn't to say I've done nothing, however. Admittedly its only really sketch work so far, but I've been essentially practicing for the project I'll be doing - I made some mention of it last time, in fact, though let me explain.

So, what the project entailed was linked to some of my older pictures involving a character named Kitai. In the storyline the character is in, he was once part of a rebel team, two of the characters being a pare of twins. Now, I've sketched the Yume twins before, but only ever as their child selves, never as their adult forms, so my intent is to do a shot o the twins, back to back, as adults. However, I haven't drawn their adult forms before, and so I was working from their discriptions alone. As such, I sketched them individually at first to get a feel for them before I do a true version of them together. Admittedly they're not the final sketch versions for these two, but are more me practicing them before I do anything else.

So, the first of the twins I sketched was Shiro:

For Shiro, I wanted a slightly wilder appearence, which would eventually include scars including some on the exposed side of the body. The weaponry is gloves that house metal claws in the back (which will need shortening slightly otherwise he would struggle to bend his wrist when they're contracted). 

For his brother, Kuro:

I was considering something a little more refined, standing straighter, not half naked and a little more reserved expression, though for the final version, he would need to look a little more similar to Shiro in his face, considering they are meant to be identical twins. Along with the lack of scars and his clothing, I wanted his hair to also look different as well. Kuro's weapon is one inherited from his father and is his primary form of attack. Since Shiro had his weapon shown, it made sense for Kuro to also have his on view as well.

As you can see, there is a lot to do to get these sketches close to how I imagine them, along with fixing the proportions slightly - Kuro's hand is definitely out of wack, for example. However, considering it's the first time I've put pen to paper in terms of their adult selves, they're just about ready for the tweaking to get them into proper form. Hopefully their final selves, ready for a full digital makeover, will be much better. Watch this space!

Until next time!


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