Monday 18 June 2018

Stream of Chosha-ness!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

While this is a bit belated, Happy Father's Day! I know the actual day was yesterday, but since I always do my blogs on Mondays, I couldn't say it on the day. Though I did personally get to say it to my own dad, so no worries! I did have something funny happen when getting my present for Father's Day, however. I had been a little unsure what to get him until my mum suggested something he had actually wanted - a power station for his car. Now, I know next to nothing about cars, but I wanted to get something dad actually might want rather than some trinket that he might never use, so off I went to the auto shop in town and found the power station pretty easily. so, I took the box with the power station to the counter to buy and I was told with a very serious expression that "I can't use it and bring it back in a few days."

Now, I'm pretty sure that auto shops are not libraries. I was buying it after all. Makes me wonder if someone's actually done that before or if I just look that much like an idiot or newbee where cars are concerned that they needed to point this out, I had no idea, but I still found it kind of funny anyway, if only by how utterly serious they were saying it.

Joking aside they were awesome people and dad was happy with his present.

Anyways, Along with Father's day, I was a bit on the busy side. As you guys likely know, the world cup has started and as someone who works in a bar, we've been showing the matches in the pub itself, meaning we needed to have staff to cover the matches, including yours truely, hence why today is really more a stream of consciousness rather than ay expression of artistry - though some things you see, hear and do at the pub could make for ab entire book/comic series in and of itself. I mentioned it before but I'm making note of all kind of fun tings I've seen of heard, even stupid stuff I've done as well and will one day make a small series on it for fun. Who knows, it might get a laugh :)

One of the biggest matches at the pub so far, of course, was the England game (for those of you who aren't aware, I'm from the UK, FYI) and they were playing Tunisia today and won - great start for the team :) I'm not a big football fan, honestly, but hey, I should at least show some patriotic support! So well done team! When I've not been busy serving customers I've been checking on some of the other matches too and there've been some good ones so far. Here's hoping that the rest of the world cup goes well too!

But anyways, I hope that my 'blah-ing' hasn't been too off putting, beyond the maybe promise of eventual comic series of various spoofs at my bar job, but now we've all started getting into the rhythm of work alongside football, I should be back to work on my projects once again. Along with the badges, I've got a couple request I've got that I'm going to be working on, and I'm also having a little experiment with different styles as well, especially since one of my requests was asked to be in my take of a specific style. So I should have some interesting stuff for you all soon and hope you look forwards to it.

Until next time!


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