Monday 13 August 2018


Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So....I'm still having a few issues with my tablet right now, but I've just been doodling where I can, thinking up things to do once its all back to normal. Some doodles were just ideas to play around with, while others are ones that I'll likely be doing digital versions later on.

So, one thing that I doodled that I know I'll be playing around with and, hopefully, make a digital version of is an avatar/icon of a character related to a previous avatar I did before, Nogitsune. This one is another masked character from that same family, only this one in the process of removing their mask.

Sorry for the bad photo. Admittedly this is a very rough concept, the full version would look much cleaner and a little more in proportion. The hair would also have more detail as well and the background would likely mimic the flame like pattern the previous Nogitsune avatar did. Unlike Nagisa, the other Nogitsune character, I've not drawn this one very often, and I hope to play with the character a little, to do a full body pose for them as well, though, possibly based around this kind of pose?

Though it is only a thought. If I did try for a pose similar, I might add details to it and I'd certainly make the clothes flow better - I'll admit that doodle was done while I had a few moments at work, so its extremely rough, drawn with pen and on a scrap paper. But still, since these are just really basic concepts, and extremely rough versions, the big details can come later.

Beyond that, I was also just playing around with another character idea, once again very rough, but a portrait and a pose, though neither are particually finished, both, yet again, being quick sketches while at work in a free moment on scrap paper, but still, the sketches can lead to far better things digitally once I have a fully working tablet and time. :) 

While certainly no masterpieces, each are merely little seeds to play around with and will hopefully grow into something better with a little time and effort. Considering none of these took me longer than a minute or two at best while having no real idea of what to do in mind, it certainly helped to get some ideas flowing. But hey, even the roughest of things can give birth to something awesome, right?I'll definitely do a comparison of what an end product will look like from these idea sketches though. Hope you look forwards to it! :)

Until next time!


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