Monday 27 August 2018

The Nogitsune Trio! A Little Bit More!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I've been a bit busy this week, not only with work, but also in the fact I've run out of room in my sketch book. Well, if nothing else, having hit and miss Tablet capabilities certainly makes sketching old school a bit more appealing. I have been on a shopping trip, though and now have a new sketchbook ready to go! Which is good, as I have actually been given a commission to do. Nothing to show for it quite yet as it wasn't too long ago I was asked, but essentially it's to make a design to go on a wall in a child's bedroom. I was given some examples and ideas that the person has in mind, so, with my new trusty sketchbook, I'll be coming up with a few and see if any of them catch any interest. I'll likely have something to show you guys in the coming weeks, too :) Just something to look forwards to!

For this week, though, around work, running out of sketchbooks (thus shopping) and surprise family visits, I had a go at the line art for the Nogitsune picture, though I'm admittedly a little unsure of it due to line thickness.

This is what  I had done:

Now, the main problem with it is the hair kind of looks a little too overlaid and not so much detail towards the tips, making them look a bit like leaves. I was also a bit unsure if the line art itself was too thick, or if I should leave it with a similar thickness and attempt to have it so the line art will be coloured, thus making it blend in a little more. 

What I am considering is actually using this as the more 'neat' base art, but redoing the line art so it will be a tad thinner, but will also have a bit more detail in the hair so they look more like strands and less like clumps. I think perhaps in this one I was following my sketches a tad too closely, perhaps. If nothing else, it did help me get my hand back in after so long needing to avoid using my tablet to fix its sticking issue. Despite this, having a neat base line art should be easier to work with than rough sketches, so it should make the true line art easier to add the smaller details too. As such, the 'mistakes' can be used to make something better :)

Alongside that, I did some research as to what the kanji would look like for Nogitsune, which will appear in the blank space. The Kanji is this: 野狐, using the combination of 野 - 'No', meaning 'field' or 'Wilderness' and 狐 - 'Kitsune', meaning 'Fox'. Together pronounced 'Nogitsune' or alternatively called 'Yako'. In Mythology, a Nogitsune is a mischievous or malicious fox spirit who targets humans. As mentioned, the three characters here are all shapeshifters, ad do tend to trick others, and could be considered malicious or mischievous, especially to enemies, so it fit. Its one of the reason I chose the fox motif for them. Still, a bit of trivia for you.

Assuming I dont horribly mangle writing the Kanji so it doesn't look so stiff and 'typed' when it is added to the image, it should be written in a line down the page in the space, perhaps borrowing a little from the style I used when I created the title for my Susanoo comic. I'll make an effort either way, but we'll have to see how it goes. If that fails....well, I'll just have to come up with plan B!

Until next time!


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