Monday 3 September 2018

More Doodles! :)

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I'm currently in the middle of sketching ideas for the commission I mentioned briefly last week so I'm afraid I can't show much in terms of those just yet, especially since I'd like to at least show them to the one who commissioned me in the first place. Due to that I'll admit I've not really worked on my Nogitsune picture either.

However, I have done a few doodles that you guys might be interested in looking at, since they are to do with the Nogitsune Trio - mainly I was sketching ideas for full body pictures, kind of how I did in the past with Nagisa. Admittedly they are pretty rough, as they were drawn in pen, but most of it was getting a general feel for them. I am hoping to translate them into digital versions at some point, and in doing so fixing a few errors. For now though, thought I'd let you see what my initial ideas are.

So, firstly, Itazura:

Firstly, yes, that arm is the main issue with this picture. I was actually unsure what position to have the arm ad somehow it got....stretched? Either way, its certainly disproportioned and will definitely be changed in the final image. I was contemplating if, like Nagisa, he should be messing around with blue fire or something else. One idea I di have is having the final image with one of the foxes that he uses as helpers, perhaps over his shoulder so he is absently stroking it. But it is just a thought at the moment. All depends on if I can draw a good fox to add in later (I hope I can, I do like foxes, though its been a long time since I drew a normal sized, non-magical one. lol)

Next was Uta:

With Uta being a child I sort of wanted her to look a tad more playful, though it sort of looks like she either is playing some odd game of hopscotch, is jumping over skipping rope two other people off screen are waving around or she jumped off a low wall. Either way, it works. lol. I just knew with Uta that I didn't want her just standing there posing like Nagisa and Itazura, if only because she's a lot younger, being ten rather than a full grown adult.

Out of the two, I think I like how Uta came out better. I might experiment with Itazura's pose just a bit more - I'm not quite sure if it show off his confidence in quite the right manner, so you may see other Itazura poses in the future, but I think I can work best with the Uta sketch into full digital glory. Of course, if anyone has any thoughts on the matter, please let me know :)

Until next time!


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