Monday 10 September 2018

The Nogitsune Trio! The Update!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, still mostly focused on working on the commission I mentioned last time, but I have done a bit of an update to the Nogitsune Trio that I had been working on before I received the commission, enough of an update to let you guys see what's going on.

Last time I had drawn the line art....but I wasn't particually happy with it due to the hair feeling too solid or in clumps so large it looked more link bunches of bananas than hair, so I used that line art as the clean sketch for the updated version. What I have using that is this:

As you can see, the hair does look less clumped and the ends do seem as though there were bits of hair rather than a solid structure compared to the previous version. I also made slight changes to some of the masks, mostly Uta's and Nagisa's where the eye-holes are concerned. I am contemplating that I might have their eyes peeking through the masks in the shadows at some point, but that is something to experiment with later, depending on if it would complicate the image.

Beyond that, I also did the flat colours for the image, which, if nothing else, helped to seperate the characters from each other, and also allowed me to work out where the kanji will be. I've got placeholders for now, but I'll be attempting to do a stylised version one the main image is finished. 

As you can see, the characters do stand out a lot more from each other, especially since they do favour certain colours. For those unsure, Itazura is the red, Nagisa the blue and Uta the purple. Speaking of Uta, I did later realise her neck was way too thin and fixed it before I finished the flat colour, so it might not fully match the line art from above.

Something I wanted to try was to have a parchment feel to the background, which might fit more once the kanji is less obviously typed, and also would make it look almost like a play on old style pictures without fully being that style. I'm hoping that the textures wont be too out of place, as Uta's mask needs to have wood patterns on it as the 'unique' pattern that would be her calling card, so to speak. As mentioned in a past blog about the family, they are all shapeshifters, which means the masks acts as their 'face' so they can identify each other no matter what appearence they currently have. This at least should make the mask a bit more interesting to look at, as it is very simplistic in comparison to Nagisa and Itazura's.

I'll admit, though, I have a lot of fun with Itazura's mask. Its probebly the most fitting for his temperament. lol.

Admittedly the thing I'm most dreading is hand writing the Kanji. I'm not a native Japanese speaker, nor have I had formal tuition, so I'm terrified I'm going to mess it up. But I'll do my best! Though if anyone has any tips for writing in Japanese or knows where I should look for help on their, I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time!


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