Monday 20 August 2018

The Nogitsune Trio!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

While my tablet was being...iffy, I had an idea of a project I wanted to try. It mainly came about while I had a free moment at work and was messing around with a bit of scrap paper and a pen. As those who read my doodlebug post might have seen, I had been drawing one of the fox masked characters of the Nogitsune family as an idea for an icon or avatar. hat lead me to thinking of doing a picture showing all three known members of the family - Nagisa, who I've drawn full body in the past, Itazura, the one from the icon idea, and the youngest, Uta, who I hadn't really drawn before.

That in mind, I doodled a very rough Idea of what I was considering.

While I was sort of happy with some of it, Nagisa just looked like a lump and I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with Uta. I was pretty happy with Itazura (the guy in the back) though his hair certainly needs a bit more work so it didn't look quite like leaves - just something that would be added in the digital version. This, after all, was just a vague idea.

With myself being....very eh about some of the characters, I redrew Uta and Nagisa somewhat.

The second attempt at just the individuals looked better:

As you can see, the bottom two looked much better and I was happy to use them with the initial Itazura. Admittedly, these wouldn't be the final appearances - Uta especially would need far more detail, but with the very plain mask, those details are things that could only be shown in colour and shading, otherwise it admittedly looks very flat.

Still, while my tablet is stil very hit and miss, I was still able to at least put them into the pattern for the final image layout, so I could then work on the fine sketch (which should add  in those details such as the hair strands better, and then the rest of it. This is what the sketches together look like:

As you can see, it looks much neater than the original concept, though it needs a lot of work. I have an idea of using the blank space in the top right to put the family name in there in the actual kanji (assuming g I dont butcher how its written by attempting to make it look like it was inked on, perhaps even have it on the blue flames that these guys can use. It depends on how cluttered or otherwise it appears once the line art/flat colour stage is done.

Basically, watch this space to see how it all unfolds!

Until next time!


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