Monday 12 November 2018

Art in Pain!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Before we get into the main chunk of the blog, I just wanted to focus a little time on one of the comic industry's biggest losses. Today, Stan Lee has departed for the big cameo in the sky at 95 years of age. Its strange to think of him as having passed away, as he just seemed to keep going alongside Marvel for as long as I can remember. I grew up with cartoons of Spiderman and the X-men, Fantastic Four and Ironman, and, of course, the various Marvel movies. My dad was also a big collector of the comics as well and I would read them too.

While my style is closer to manga than that of western comics, it was still western comics and the cartoons based on them that was part of my childhood and, in a way, did inspire much of my imagination before I ever really got into reading actual novels at all (and it took me ages before I saw written novels as anything other than school work, whereas comics and graphic novels were what I could read for fun).

It's a sad day today for all comics fans, but I'm sure the mark Stan left on the world will remain for many a year to come. Excelsior, Stan Lee! You will not be forgotten.

It almost feels a little awkward to talk about my own sketches and such after talking about a comic legend, especially as I haven't particually done a huge amount this week (that I can show, at least, as I'm working on a commission that's no where near done yet). Part of this is due to long hours at work, but also partly because of both back and wrist pain. My wrists are...well, a somewhat reoccurring problem, as some of my followers may have seen me talk about in past blogs - one time even looking like a puppet from Thunderbirds and the likes because of how I had to strap both wrists at the same time but my back is a bit more hit and miss, usually relating to staying in certain positions (sitting, standing etc) for large amounts of time. It got to a point where by Friday I could barely move, so that cut...well, much of my drawing time short this week. Kind of annoying when you have several ongoing things you really wanna get done but can't because of your own physical limitations. Grrr. Still, so long as I rest for a little while and take it slow going back in again after the rest, I'll be able to get back into those things asap! (though I'll still be trying my best on that commission in the meantime!)

Anywho, my pain aside, I did do a couple sketches that I can show you guys! :)

So firstly, remember how I did that face sprite of Zack from Angels of Death, based more on his game avatar rather than the anime version of him? Well, I thought that it would only be fair to do the same for Ray. Similar to the Zack one, Ray is a head sketch based on her game design rather than the anime one, and is currently only a pencil sketch that I hope to digitize, so to speak.

I'll probebly need to take a better image of the sketch when I use it as the base for the final version, as this one looks a tiny bit wonky....Anyway, the digital version will likely be tweaked and a tad more detail added, of course, but in comparison to her anime form, her game sprite is somewhat more simplistic. Though, oddly, for a game constantly saying her eyes are 'dead', much of her state of mind is reflected in her eyes in the game. Not certain yet which 'state of mind' I'll end up giving her. We'll have to see.

The other sketch I did was mostly inspired by the Halloween ones I did, or rather the Devil Contract story that Hex Doll is from. This time was the character Lucy. I think in the past I've only show a very rough concept (by that it was rather rough, little detail) which is funny since she is the main female lead, despite the fact I've sketched Damien, the male lead, at least a few times since. So...this is mostly me getting used to her design! lol

She is supposed to be around ten years old during the events of Devil contract. As you can see, she is holding the currently dormant Hex Doll. I sort of had the metal image that she had only just been given that by Damien. (Also had a silly mental image of her thinking he's a weirdo, but that' more my parody mind at play there. lol!). Either way, even though this is also a sketch, there is more detail in this one, mostly around the face and clothing, though more would be added once digital. 

I motioned before that it is with Devil contract that I'm considering laying around with the line art style to go along with the different tone the story itself has compared to the overall themes of Dreamwalkers. 

Of course, any constructive comments are always appreciated!

Until next time!


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