Monday 19 November 2018

How Do You Get A Pikachu On A Bus?

So...How Do You Get A Pikachu On A Bus?

You Pokemon!

Eh? Eh?

Ahem...Sorry. Anyway! Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, assuming that you didn't run from that horrible, horrible joke and are wondering what the old thing has to do with anything...well, 'Let's Go Pikachu!' and 'Let's Go Eevee!' was released this week. I've been a fan of the series since...well...the original Red and Blue series. Back then I wasn't much of a gamer (even now I'd still class myself as casual), with my only real game experence being Tetrus on the Gameboy. The first Pokemon games got me into RPG games and RPG games have since then taken a place in my heart as my favourate kind of games. Since then I've played pretty much every hand held main series Pokemon game and their remakes.

So, who got Let's Go Eeevee?

 I did! (I also did a very, very fast Eevee sketch from memory too. lol)

The game's been interesting so far, though I'm not entirely sure about the catch system yet. I mean, when I catch things, its awesome, but when you're throwing every kind of berry and the highest level pokeball you can get at the time and that Chansey still wont go in...then runs away. Gah!

Still, it's not a bad game. It's pretty much a high tech looking blast from the past (especially if you ever played Pokemon Yellow) but with new things added or changed. It's the main reason why I chose Eevee, beyond the fact Eevee's adorable, since I've already played with Pikachu as a starter from my Yellow days. Currently I'm only about half way through - With my main wrist still strapped up because of tendonitis, playing using my non-dominant hand does make things a bit difficult - so still lots of fun to be had yet. I may do my full thoughts on things when I've finished the main story.

Even so, I have had a bit of a surprise. Two shiny Pokemon?! I'm not even joking. I wasn't even looking for them or anything, they are!

I caught this one first as a Caterpie, which was a golden colour. As it is, I didn't keep it on my team, but I at least made sure to level it up :) 

Yes...I was being silly with the nickname here. It was mainly just so I wouldn't accidentally send it off to the Professor along with any other Caterpie I may have caught for EXP/candy sake.

Then I got through Mt Moon and about to head to the next city and in the grass outside I litterally ran into this one:

I mean, litterally just ran into it because it spawned as I jumped off the ledge. Wasn't looking for it or anything. I just feel so bad that I wasn't going to use a Spearow at that point. I was almost tempted, as my first ever Pokemon team back in my red and blue days had a Fearow in the team, but I wanted to try some different Pokemon. Even so, Lucky, huh?

So yes, between work, my wrist and working on the mural, once this came out, I've kind of been...uh...playing this! lol. I'm thinking that I may do sketches of all my end team when I'm done. I think I have everyone right now, but I still have four more badges to go! And left handed all the way! (wonder if catching things would be easier if my dominant wrist wasn't strapped up?)

Sorry if there's not much in ways of actual art this week. As you can probebly guess from what I mentioned, I've been trying to rest my wrist between work. Why does it take so long for tendonitis to go away!

Either way, I'll see about giving an actual review and proper full thoughts on the game once I've finished the main story at least, maybe with sketches of my end team?

Until next time!


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