Monday 3 December 2018

Falling into Dreams!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So, with all the Alice in Wonderland sketches I've been doing for the Mural, I was sort of reminded of another 'entering other kinds of world' thing - that being my own. So far, I've drawn three of the main characters that have been seen - Rem, Somnus and Ashling. However, there is one other character that eventually joins the team. Admittedly, since I haven't got quite that far yet, while I know her role, personality and where she's goings in the story, she doesn't have a set name just yet. As a beta name, she was referred to as 'Lucy', however, with all the names I've picked being dream/sleep related, I'm hoping to do the same for her too.

I have a few ideas - feel free to give me feedback!

So the names I'm considering for her are:

Penelope (Meaning Dream Weaver - likely to be nicknamed Penny)
Cassandra (Relating to the greek legend of a woman who could see visions - likely to be nicknamed Cassie)
Maya (meaning illusion)

Still a bit of a toss up, though I'm leaning to Penelope and Cassandra, honestly, but I'm happy to hear if people have preferences.

So, who exactly is the character I'm talking about? After all, in my Dreamwalkers talks, I've never really spoken about her. Well, firstly, I should show you my design for her:

The character in question is the girl, not the cat. The cat is....well, can be ignored for now. Suffice to say it has something to do with her introduction into the Dreamwalkers cast. Now, this girl is the youngest of the cast, being school age (Middle/junior school age, depending on your location), unlike the other characters who are 18 plus. This is even including the supporting cast, with the exception of Chris, Rem's younger brother, though not by much. Her first introduction comes after the introduction of the 'types' of Onreios, and basically is the start of what you could class as the next arc.

Now, you may be wondering why I decided to have a younger child.

Well, children do seem to have very vivid dreams, and considering how things work in the dreamscapes - that being that a persons imagination and mental states effect the limits the 'walkers can reach within a given dreamscape...well, it makes for an interesting way of showing the good and the bad about it, wouldn't you say?

So why show it at that point and not in the earlier times? Well, I didn't want to info dump in the intro arc. There is a lot that needs to be learned about how the world works - the types of Onreios, the characters, how the dream worlds work, etc. So, spacing it out a bit just seemed to be a better option. Not to say you might not see hints of it earlier, but it would let people have something to speculate on, right?

As is, this is your first peek at the fourth member of the Dreamwalker's main cast! I hope you like her! And as said, feel free to give your thoughts on her name as well :)

Until next time!


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