Sunday 21 February 2016

Updates! And a Question

Hi Everyone! Welcome back!

Today, I'll mainly be giving a few updates on things that have been happening this past week that I have referred to in previous posts. There is also a bit of a question that I'd love to hear peoples opinions on, as I'm a little bit stuck.

The first thing is n update on Dreamwalkers.

So, where the first chapter is concerned, its almost done! I have about five pages to sketch and the back cover left to do now, along with adding the speech to the nine pages that I've colour finished since term started. Though I might revisit some of my older ones where sound effects are concerned - I had a few ideas for an alarm sound that I hadn't thought about last term that might improve it a bit more.

Now, my big question comes in the form of front covers for chapter two of dreamwalkers (I know, a bit early to think on considering chapter one isn't fully finished yet, but I think it would help to know sooner rather than later, right?)

I had sketched out four ideas for front covers - they are very rough sketches, so I apologize in advance - and I'm a little stick as to which of them I should continue into digital forms or to fully finalise, so I was hoping for an opinion on it.

Well, these are the ideas!

As said, they are extremely rough. Either way, if there are any that could be potentially interesting, please let me know! The ones that have most interest I'll end up creating digital versions of! But I really would love the thoughts from you guys too - it really helps!

My second big update is in reference to the competition that I had entered on DA. For those who might have only recently started following my rambles, basically I joined a competition ran by FoxHat on Deviant Art, where those who joined were asked to draw their versions of the characters Bubblegum and Marzipan from FoxHat's newest comic. The winner would get a copy of the comic, stickers, prints and points that could be used on DA.

My entry was this:

Well, the results came in last weekend and I found out I was in first place, along with an artist on DA called Trailing Feathers - Foxhat couldn't really decide between the two of us. Admittedly, Trailing Feather's picture was adorable, so I don't blame her in the slightest! (I'd check it out, it really is cute ^_^)  I hadn't really expected to win, but I was really happy! It was also cool that there were two winners as well. There were plenty of other cool drawings too, so check them out if you can!

Oh, one last update for today - Nadia and I are intending to be at another con - this time in April called Stoke-Con-Trent. We should be selling there. If all goes well, hopefully I'll have chapter one of Dreamwalkers done as well! I certainly hope so either way. I'm going to be aiming to make it my goal anyway! Though if its not done by then, it's definitely going to be done for our Degree Show in May.

Either way, wish me luck!

Until next time!


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