Monday 8 February 2016

Convention Conclusion

Hi guys! Welcome back!

I was meaning to post this yesterday, but I had work pretty much all day, so this ended up slightly belated. But I will be posting again this week as well to make up for it! And the posts should then go back to my usual schedule. :)

So, last time I mentioned that I went to True Believers with Nadia, where we shared a table, so today I'm going to let you know how all that went!

Before I went, I had to be sure I had a business card to take with me. Last time I went to a convention I made my business card into a bookmark, thinking it might give it a duel purpose. As it was, no one picked those up unless I outright told them what it's purpose was, so this time I made a more traditional kind of business card, which looked like this:

They actually went quite well, the blue seemed to stand out very well against the dark tablecloth, and being a more traditional business card, people picked them up more or less straight away, even if they didn't buy something or came back later. We also put some in the bags that we gave to people with the purchases in, so that they had any contact details.

While Dreamwalkers isn't finished yet, Nadia and I sold some of our old comics, with previews of both Pandora and Dreamwalkers in the back, so people will hopefully get to see what the new things will be like and keep an eye out. 

The old comic that I sold was this one: 

It went really well, actually! we sold them at £3.50 each, but we made a bundle deal of two for £5 as well, and people seemed to like that. It was nice to see people really like Susanoo though, so I was really happy about that. We actually sold out of all of the comics we brought with us! I was so happy!

Hopefully, next time, I'll sell both Susanoo and Dreamwalkers. I'll let you all know when and where I'll be next time I'm at a con. Of course, if anyone is interested in buying Susanoo, feel free to contact me!

I also did some commissions at the con as well! Those were fun. I unfortunately didn't think to photograph all of them, but I did a few. The quality of the photo's isn't top notch (I'm afraid my affinity with a camera isn't the best), but everyone seemed pleased with the drawings! Here are a few of what I did:

I enjoyed doing them. I also took part in a comic strip where each panel was done by a different artist. Since I'm unsure if any of the other artists would want me to display there stuff on here, I wont post the pic here. But if you're interested in looking, then Todd Marsh on Twitter @OldManRupee has posted some pics on it, and I also retweeted it on my own twitter @chosha_kurenai, so you can have a looksy at those there too see what interesting story can happen when you have no set plot and give the artists the go ahead to lead the little story anywhere. It's fun!

All in all, we had a great time in Cheltenham at True Believers. I hope everyone else that went had fun as well,and if they had a table did well also! It's highly likely we will apply to this con again next year. :)

Until next time!


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