Sunday, 27 March 2016

Happy Easter!

Hi guys! Welcome back!

So its the Easter holidays! Yay! I hope that everyone has been having a great day and had lots of Easter Eggs. Speaking of Easter Eggs, like I have been doing for various other holidays, I've made one of my mascots as an Easter pic.

I hope you guys like it! Though I think I need to get more used to using my intuos rather than the higher tech tablets from the university - I think I'm still a bit shaky on my hand eye co-ordination.

Anyway, literal Easter Eggs for you guys aside, I'm gonna leave you guys with an update on how things are going with Dreamwalkers part two. So far I've started working on the basic script (basically who says what and where people go etc. I will have to later then work out panel layouts and stuff. So far, I've just reached the start of the climax of the chapter in script form, and have the rest bullet pointed out as to the key events going on. I'm hoping to complete the script before the holidays are up.

Not much really to report this time, but I hope you enjoyed the short update.

Have a great Easter everyone!

Until next time!


Sunday, 20 March 2016

Chapter Two! Rough Front Cover Ideas

Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, I've started working on things for the next chapter of Dreamwalkers.

So far, I've bullet pointed all the main plot points that will be occurring in chapter two - looks like it will probably be longer than chapter one, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'll be working on the basic script (that is just who is saying what and any positions/actions the characters will take, rather than the full comic script, which would also include panel layouts - I do that one after) and thumbnails in the coming week or two.

What I have been doing is a rough digital version of some of the art for front covers for chapter two. Admittedly these are very unrefined and more concepts working on the basic sketches I did a few weeks ago, to see if any have potential once coloured. Only one of them is a little more refined (as I worked in eye glows and such, as well as a rough but not set title placement), but is still rough.

I'm hoping to get some feedback on these, see if any have any promise. So, here's what I have currently:

So yeah, what do you think? Do any of these have any potential, or do you think I should go back to the drawing board where the front cover ideas are concerned. I personally like the first, though the last one does mirror chapter one's cover. As it completes a story arc, that might be a good idea, but I'm not entirely certain. Not to say I don't like the second idea, of course. lol. But I suppose you can see my dilemma?

Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome!

Here's hoping to hear from you guys soon on that.

Until next time!


Saturday, 12 March 2016

Sneak Preview!

Hey guys, welcome back!

Not a large amount to report today other than mainly to update on Dreamwalkers. Other than two pages, which are a page with contact details and the back cover, and a couple of sound effects I'm still not entirely happy with yet, Dreamwalkers Part One is pretty much completed. However, I wont be releasing it until around May, as we, that is Tanra Studios, are hoping to have the first chapters of Dreamwalkers and Pandora to go on sale around the same time. Pandora's first chapter is a bit longer, you see.

However, this means that I'll be well on my way in creating the start of chapter two of Dreamwalkers (so it wont be as long a wait to get the second part, which is good). I will also be starting to create more merch for Dreamwalkers as well, since so far there is only the design for a phone charm/key-chain and a poster done at the moment. I'm hoping to make another print, and maybe stickers or badges as well. I'll keep you posted.

Still, for all of you who have been following me at the moment, as a thank you, I want to show a preview of Dreamwalkers #1. I know it's only a page with no context, but I hope it's interesting for you!

One the last little bits are done, my next Dreamwalkers updates will be my progress on chapter two, as well as any new merchandise that'll be for sale that I'll be working on. I'll also be showing a little of my progress on the caricatures for Stoke Con as well.

Oh, yeah, don't forget to check out Nadia and My shared blog for Tanra Studios on where we are talking about the lore of the Tanra 'verse as well as updates on our upcoming website, news of comic trailers and our Youtube plans. We tend to take a relaxed, informal approach to things there (with a smidgen of insanity and character cameos), but it'll still be pretty interesting for you, especially if you're interested in the folklore and mythologies that are going to be especially prevalent in Pandora or may even crop up within Dreamwalkers, and if you really want to know what the two of us are up to when we get together. It's updated fairly regularly too, so check us out there.

That's all from me today, but I'll be back next week with more Dreamwalkers (and other projects)

Until next time!


Sunday, 6 March 2016

Progress and New External Project!

Hi guys! Welcome back!

Before I get to he main part of today's post, I'll first give you an update on how things are going where Dreamwalkers is concerned. Pretty much all I need to do if finishing off the shadows and lighting in about three pages, then I just need to ad the last of the speech and sound effects and I'll be done! Awesome, right?

I have been bullet pointing the events for chapter two as well. One I'm done on chapter one, I'll be doing script work and thumbnails for chapter two, as well as do a bit more in way of merch, like stickers and stuff.

I mentioned last time that I'd been working on a new icon for myself, too. So far it's in flat colours, so I still need to do the shadows. It does depend on if I end up just using my Luphin mascots too. lol. But either way, this is what it's looking like so far:

What do you think of it? Do you prefer that kind of style, or the slightly more chibi type that I used on my old icon/business card? Obviously its not quite finished yet, but still good to see how its progressing, right?

Anyway, to the main point of the post - I'm going to be doing caricatures of some of the guests that will be turning up for Stoke Con in April. As you may recall, I said that me and Nadia will be there under our joint name 'Tanra Studios', But we were also asked if we could draw some of the guests. At the moment, I'm trying to decide on who to pick, or if I should do a few, but it's highly likely that my next post will at least show the sketches of the people I decide on.

Speaking of Tanra Studios, if you haven't been following us there, Nadia and I have been doing a lot of talks about the Tanra universe lore. It's pretty interesting, though do to technical issues we've not really been putting too many images up. But that should change now, as we finally managed to get those technical issues dealt with, so we should be able to provide you guys with images again in our Tanra blog! Yay!

Oh, one last thing, in my spare time (which means this is going to be veeeeeeeery slow, as its not top priority and just something I'm doing for fun) I've also been working on a colour Fanart pic from Undertale. Obviously, Undertale and its characters belong to Toby Fox. Still, I thought if nothing else it lets me play with a different art style, using a similar method I used to make my Hex Doll Image.

Please note its no where near finished and still has a long way to go, but I thought I'd let you guys see it.

As you can see, there's still loads to do on it, but since Dreamwalkers, projects for clients and related stuff is most important, it may take a while before I'm finished and happy with it. But it's still a fun pic to play around with.

That's all for now. But hopefully if there's no hiccups, I may have all the images for my comic done next week and ready for the text. I'll keep you guys posted!

Until next time!
