Sunday 20 March 2016

Chapter Two! Rough Front Cover Ideas

Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, I've started working on things for the next chapter of Dreamwalkers.

So far, I've bullet pointed all the main plot points that will be occurring in chapter two - looks like it will probably be longer than chapter one, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'll be working on the basic script (that is just who is saying what and any positions/actions the characters will take, rather than the full comic script, which would also include panel layouts - I do that one after) and thumbnails in the coming week or two.

What I have been doing is a rough digital version of some of the art for front covers for chapter two. Admittedly these are very unrefined and more concepts working on the basic sketches I did a few weeks ago, to see if any have potential once coloured. Only one of them is a little more refined (as I worked in eye glows and such, as well as a rough but not set title placement), but is still rough.

I'm hoping to get some feedback on these, see if any have any promise. So, here's what I have currently:

So yeah, what do you think? Do any of these have any potential, or do you think I should go back to the drawing board where the front cover ideas are concerned. I personally like the first, though the last one does mirror chapter one's cover. As it completes a story arc, that might be a good idea, but I'm not entirely certain. Not to say I don't like the second idea, of course. lol. But I suppose you can see my dilemma?

Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome!

Here's hoping to hear from you guys soon on that.

Until next time!


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